

Posted by Jason

My mom went to the hospital and while she was there they found several tumors in her head and in her body. They mentioned a possibility of stage 4 cancer. Please pray for healing for her and strength for me.

I’m Praying for This

Difficult Relationship

Posted by Anonymous

I am engaged but I called off our wedding because we don't seem to communicate well and I feel stuck. Our communication does not connect with one another and I don't feel heard or seen. I feel rejected and I feel stuck not wanting to break off the relationship even though it does not meet my needs. I am seeking God's will for this relationship.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Emily

Next week I am doing the end of year ACT Aspire test In math, science, language arts, writing, and reading

I’m Praying for This

Food Addiction

Posted by Kathy

I am struggling with chocolate and food. I'm afraid it is becoming an addiction. I want a refreshed walk with Jesus.

I’m Praying for This

Recovery House

Posted by Jan And Tom

We are needing a house to rent to do a recovery house for men.

I’m Praying for This

Overcoming Addiction

Posted by Helen

I struggle feeling loved and feel like I am handling it in an addictive way. Please pray for strength and courage to overcome.

I’m Praying for This

Auto Accident

Posted by Anonymous

He was in a serious auto crash. He remains in ICU . He is loved by many. We want him to be healed and live a life for God ! Thank you for your prayers!

I’m Praying for This

Awana and Club 56

Posted by April

Please say a prayer as my church is starting Wednesday night service back up! It is all about the children this night and we wont to reach as many as possible! Last week was our first week back in over a year do to COVID-19. We had 35 kids total!  Please pray that parents will let their children ride the vans to church to learn about what an amazing god we have!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Kelly

Please lift my marriage up on the alter and please pray specifically for my husband's heart to be changed and for him to honor our marriage vows and not go through the divorce.  Please pray specifically 
Ezekiel 36:26  "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you, I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.'  Also, please pray specifically over me, Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous"  And lastly please pray specifically for my daughter to be getting close to God. 

I’m Praying for This

Son struggling with Addiction

Posted by Anonymous

Our son will be 21. He is struggling with addiction. I ask for prayers that this addition will be broken by God’s Grace and he will feel the Holy Spirit in his heart. I pray that it is the will of God and he will win this battle.  I pray he will meet a Christian girl and they will live for God.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for healing and weight loss.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Stephanie

Can you pray for  our aunt, sister, mother, grandmother.  She isn’t doing well, she’s on life support.  The doctors have told us that all her organs are shutting down and she has an infection in her lungs. Please pray for her and our family.  Thank you 

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I just want to share what God has done for me and my family. God saved me and my children from an abusive husband and father. He saved me from a life of drugs, beatings, living motel to motel with nothing! I met a man that is now my husband and daddy to my children! He loves them like his own, he works hard for us, loves us, protects us and provides. I thank God everyday that he brought him into my life! We had some trouble in summer 2020, we lost our land that we were gonna build on, all we had was our fifth wheel, and wonderful friends that allowed us to park on their land... Well in January we were blessed with the opportunity to buy our first home! Debt free, mortgage free!!! We own our land and home and I'm so grateful and thankful that God blessed us with the ability and the funds! We have been working on the house because it needed some work but we have had every dime we've needed to remodel. And to do things the way our heart desires! He has provided everything we needed! I don't have the words to express how I feel my heart is so full. All I can do is cry when I think about his goodness and how much he loves us. He truly has given us the desires of our heart, and blessed us with more than we could have ever imagined when me and my husband first met! I just wanted to give God thanks and ask for continued prayers, I pray that everyone can know the love Jesus has for us. How he can love us and save us in our sin and turn our lives around and give us new life and hope!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I'm asking for prayers because of the things going on in the world right now. The evil imagery that's being shown everywhere, how it feels like evil is making itself known. I ask for prayers for God to show His face and become a greater presence for all to see.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray that God will send me a friend to play with at school.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Tamera

Pray for me.  In 2016 I lost my mother from terminal cancer.  In 2020  my daddy died from a heart attack.  Both my parents are gone and I miss them so much.   I am having a hard time without them. I know we will all be together in heaven. I pray every day for God to give me the strength to be strong for my husband and son.  Please say a prayer for me.

I’m Praying for This

Salvation and update on Nephew

Posted by Anonymous

I just want to pray for the Salvation of everyone, we all need Jesus. May those who have not opened their hearts yet make the best and most important decision they could ever make, to let Jesus in.

Also, I posted in February about my nephew who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. They took him to Little Rock and found out it wasn’t a tumor! He has MS, and while it isn’t desirable, it’s considerably better than a tumor! I thank God in Heaven for answering prayers and may my nephew receive total healing. Praise Jesus for mercy and grace and continued blessings for everyone!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Kelsey

Our best friends are set to leave on April 13 with their two little boys to be missionaries in Scotland. Their monthly funding was short and then they found out this week that even though they had been told her husband's company would allow for him to also work remotely this was no longer going to be an option. Please be in prayer that monthly support will come through for them, and for protection from Satan trying to continue to block them from where the Lord is sending them.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

God is so good! Prayers please for God to greatly answer several prayers I’ve placed before His holy throne! Thank you and Gods richly bless you all!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Brandi

God I'm so frustrated. I'm weary seeing my daughter struggle so much.  I understand God that Your timing is perfect and that You are Holy in all things, and that we all fall short and sin, Father, that's why we have Your Grace in which I'm thankful.  I've watched my daughter be in several long term relationships, all have failed.  I've felt and seen her heartache, her desire to be married and how she feels even more defiled and unworthy as each one ends, she is breaking Lord, and only You can put her back together.  Father I pray you will be with my daughter and your provision will prevail.  

I’m Praying for This

Cat Sanctuary

Posted by Lisa

I'm the founder/director of Stray Central, a nonprofit cat sanctuary/rescue in Farmington. Sadly, through no fault of our own, we find ourselves in a crisis situation.  Please pray we are financially able to relocate the sanctuary.  Please pray that the Lord will provide for me and the beautiful souls he put in my care. Thank you and many blessings!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Brad

My family and I are facing eviction in 9 days. We have been praying for a miracle. We are faithful God will move because no matter what He is always on time. God please move in our lives and offer us peace.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Jose

Lately I’ve been having anxiety and I don’t know why I get it, I know the enemy says I won’t be ok, but I know God is greater. I ask and pray to always stand firm and to Trust God all the time, I am still learning from His word, please and thank you. ♡

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have listened to KLRC since as far back as I can remember. I am a single mom.   I work in the beauty industry and have lately felt led to open my own Salon where families and GOD come first and are welcomed with open arms. Please help me pray for God’s will to be done. I am a few thousand away from my goal to have the salon open and running with KLRC blasting.  This is my mission field!  Love and appreciate you all! If God isn’t at the center of it, then I don’t want it!

I’m Praying for This

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