I'm Holley Gerth, author of You're Already Amazing. If we could have coffee today, I'd say, only God can tell us who we really are.
Tell me who I am. Isn't this request the whisper of our hearts? We look for the answer in friendships, in romance, in jobs. Surely all of these will tell us if we're okay. If we're worthy. If we're enough. Isn't that how it works?
But only God truly gets the final say on who we are. And he says we are beloved and chosen, cherished and gifted, wanted and divinely shaped wonders.
When someone says, "you'll never amount to anything," God says, "You can do all things, because I strengthen you."
When someone implies, "You aren't wanted," God declares, "I have called you by name, you are mine."
God you are the one who gives us our identity. You are the one who sets us free from condemnation and comparison, hustling to be liked and trying to be perfect. You are the one right there with us every time we feel tempted to listen to the lies. May your love always be louder than any other voice. Tell us who we are.