As we enter into the 2nd month of 2021, "uncertainty" seems to be the new normal. That sounds a little confusing. Yes, what's "normal" is "uncertain." Ironic, don’t ya think?
As COVID 19 has intrusively invited itself into our daily routine over the past year, everywhere we go we encounter different rules. Mask or no mask, six feet or zero feet, 2 people maximum or however many you want, cancelling events last minute or going virtual. It's hard to plan anything with groups of people and now it's normal, even expected, for people to cancel on you last minute. And of course now there's the question on whether or not to get the vaccine, not to mention new changes for our country from a political perspective. We're all living in this, "What’s going to happen next?" state of mind. I can’t think of another time in my life that I've ever experienced such uncertainty in the world around me.
But then when I really stop, get still, and reflect on what God’s Word says, I'm reminded of the truth. I'm reminded that my uncertainty is nothing new to God. In fact, if I really examine it, there has never really been anything certain in my life... ever... except for one thing. That’s the one thing I can always count on – and that’s God’s Word. I think in times like this, we have to remember that we always have that to lean on and it will never fail us or forsake us. It's in God's Word where we become centered, comforted, seen, and reminded of who is truly in control and whose we truly are... HIS.
No matter the chaos or uncertainty that is going on around us here on earth, His love for us and His plan for us is always absolutely certain. He's got us in the palm of His hand. If you need a one liner reminder today from God's Word to hold onto, here are a couple of verses I lean on in those moments of uncertainty.
He alone is my rock and my salvation; my fortress, where I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:2God is my refuge and strength and ever present help in times of trouble.
Psalm 46:1
May we all be at peace knowing that God is always our place of security in uncertain times and He is the only one that can sustain us and strengthen us. My prayer is that you will lean into God's word today and let Him wash you with His truth and guide you during these uncertain times. Know that He is with you; you need only be still.