It was one of those days in one of the darkest seasons of my life. Coming from a background of addiction, I have learned that temptation is always lurking and ready to pop up in the most vulnerable moments.
That particular evening I was struggling to break out of the darkness. I just sat down at the end of my bed and asked God to help me. He brought to mind one of my dearest friends who was leading a bible study that same night. I was not a part of the study but I felt nudged to go. I would be an hour late, but I got in my car and headed over anyway.
We are close friends so as I approached the front door, I gently nudged it open and peaked my head inside. My friend and several women were sitting around the living room talking. They turned and saw me and smiled, “Come on in girl! We’re so glad to see you!” I was honest and said, “Hey ya’ll I have nothing to give tonight. I’m feeling empty and I was wondering if I could just lay on the couch and soak in your conversations about Jesus.” My friend’s inviting voice calmed my anxiousness, “Of course! That couch is always open just for you!”
They continued on with their study and I simply laid there on the couch listening to their lesson out of the book of Habakkuk. The whole discussion was about how God is with us and how he sees us through in the darkest of times. My sweet sisters in Christ shared God’s word with one another along with their own personal journeys full of timely reminders of God's faithfulness in their most difficult circumstances. I could not have been lying down in a more perfect place that night. As I laid there listening to them share so much of God’s truth, faithfulness, and goodness, I thought, “Thank you God. Thank you for this gracious place of rest in this moment.” I was so overwhelmed with gratitude and a renewed spirit. I even cracked a smile as I zoomed out and saw myself literally, PHYSICALLY, resting my body on that couch in the midst of these truthtellers. It was such an impactful tangible moment to me of how I can rest in Him anytime and He will fill me up.
God doesn’t promise us life will be easy, but He does promise that we can rest in Him and He will be close to us in our most desperate times of need. His word says…
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” – Psalm 34:18
I’ve learned that I can’t do life on my own and I need God and I need the people God puts in my life. It takes humility and honesty on my part if I’m going to make it through. That night He saved me once again and He can do the same for you. If your heart is broken right now, I want you to know God sees you and He is waiting on you to call on Him. My prayer is that you will seek Him first and allow Him to speak into your life. He will show up and most often it's in the most unexpected beautiful ways.
Much Love,