KLRC 40th Anniversary: Kara
Posted by Kara • February 22, 2023
Posted by Kara • February 22, 2023
Hey, it's Kara from the Drive Home. I'm so grateful I get to do what I do every day. It's an honor to be invited into cars and homes… and lives. I struggle with anxiety and depression- and one of the things that goes along with that for me is this fear… that I'm never doing enough. Sometimes, sitting in the studio talking into a microphone- that fear can get loud- like, "who do you think you are? Are you really making a difference?” Mostly we can’t see what’s happening on the other side of the radio. But every once in a while, God gives us a glimpse behind the curtain...
That day, God used KLRC, to meet Kara right where she was. And when she shared her story with us? He showed me that He was doing things on the other side of that radio I couldn't possibly imagine. Not because we're so great, but because HE is. Kara recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety… and she’s become part of the family here. I LOVE that TOGETHER, we get to keep cheering her on, every day. When you support KLRC, God is using you to support Kara on her journey of recovery. If you're already a part of team KLRC- thank you. If you'd like to join the team- you can give today.