There are certain pivotal moments in life that change us forever. For Jordan, that moment came during her junior year of high school when her doctor spoke just three words: “You have diabetes.”
“I felt like I was told that I was dead. I just couldn’t see how I was going to live my life anymore.”
Jordan’s life changed dramatically the day that she received her diagnosis. She shared with us that she had been listening to KLRC since her freshman year, but it was during this critical time that she turned to KLRC for hope, encouragement, and a reminder of God’s promise to her.
“God really reached me through your station. You always calmed me down. The first songs I heard were ‘Just Be Held,’ and ‘You Say.’ It struck me for the first time that I was a person that needed to let go and just be held.”
At KLRC, we have the privilege of seeing first-hand how God can use one uplifting song or one encouraging conversation to change one heart at a time. You helped make that happen for Jordan, who found peace and re-assurance to face her unexpected diagnoses.
While her life was dramatically altered, she turned to KLRC for comfort and found God there with a reminder:
And not a tear is wasted, In time, you’ll understand, I’m painting beauty with the ashes, Your life is in My hands.
—Casting Crowns, Just Be Held
Jordan is now in her senior year and adjusting to her new life as a young adult living with diabetes. She is using her story as an opportunity to share hope with others as often as she can.
“Whenever I get the chance to share my story with somebody, I tell them that it was truly God who got me to this point… and it never would have happened with-out KLRC. Thank you.”
When you take a moment right now to support KLRC, you help share hope with Jordan and so many others in the year ahead. Your support and partnership is very much needed today. God has given us a passion to join with you to reach even more people in the year ahead through uplifting music and encouraging conversations.
Thank you for being a part of sharing hope with Jordan and so many others in the past year. We can’t wait to see how God will use your support through KLRC, Real FM, KLRC and our Podcasts, and more in the year ahead. THANK YOU for making your commitment today!