It’s so easy to believe that we’re alone – that no one understands the things we're struggling with. Have you been there? Recently, Jennifer emailed us:
“Yesterday, I was listening to KLRC while sitting in the parking lot at Highlands Oncology. I was waiting for the doors to open so I could go to my daily cancer treatment. When I stepped out of my car, I could still hear your broadcast. Another car was waiting in the parking lot, and she was also listening to KLRC! I just want you to know that your broadcast is lifting us both up!”
On that day, God worked through listeners like you who went “All In” to support KLRC, and remind Jennifer that she wasn’t alone. God was with her, you were with her, and so was another sister in Christ.
Because of the response to our 2018 challenge to go “All In,” only 33% of our annual operational need remains!
Would you consider taking a moment right now to go “All In” and make a special gift in honor of Jennifer? Your gift today will support her and so many others who turn to KLRC for hope in the months ahead!