The book of Psalms is so entertaining to me because, regardless of what translation I experience it through, the imagery evoked and the beautiful poetry and songs bring about such an intense feeling every time. Whether it’s NIV or The Message (controversial for some, I know), the experience of reading heartfelt laments, words of praise, and experiences of sorrow… it’s always incredible. It’s my favorite, and probably my least understood book of the Bible.
Your love, oh Lord, reaches to the heavens! Your faithfulness stretches to the clouds!
Psalm 36:5 (NIV)God’s love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic.
(The Message)
Isn’t that an incredibly loving, heartfelt way to essentially just say “God, you have big, big love.” It’s the finite writing a love letter to the infinite. Even at its most complex, flowery prose we could offer, to God it’s still a baby barely squeaking out “Da-da.” Psalm 36:5 has me as the reader looking up to the heavens and trying to give back a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the love I cannot possibly comprehend. Isn’t that cool.
As I read verses like this, one of my favorite things to do as I reflect on them is ask myself “how would Isaac write this?” It helps me really take a moment to pause and think about what the specific scripture means to me, and to explore the context around it for clues as to what I would be feeling...
At the risk of butchering David’s incredible work, I think if I were the author of Psalm 36:5 it would look something like this: “God, I cannot possibly understand the love You have for me. Others break promises and hurt me, and You remain.”
How would you write your love letter to God today? Take a moment to ground yourself in where you’re at with God: utterly, completely and totally covered in love that you don’t deserve. What do you say to that? It won’t be perfect, but David gave us a pretty good prompt. Give it a shot.