My children and I recently moved to NWA from out of state. I am a single dad that has my kids full time. One of my children is special needs; he's non-verbal and non-ambulatory. I've been battling leukemia since 2017 and as neonatal ICU nurse, some days at work are very challenging. No matter what I am facing or going through, the message the music conveys is always encouraging and offers me hope. No matter what anyone is facing, because I know my situation isn't unique as we all have battles we face, the hope in Christ is refreshing. Nowhere in scripture does it say our lives as Christians will ever be easy. Jesus himself suffered while He was here on Earth. The hope lies in those who believe in Him will one day be made new. I will be cancer free, my son will speak and walk without assistance. Not because of anything any of us have done, but because of what Christ did for us. I often wonder how many people who are hiding in the metaphorical shadows of life listen to KLRC and this is the only encounter with Christ they have. Having a station like KLRC offering so much hope to people like myself and to anyone who listens fighting their own battles is why I have chosen to give this morning.
I wanted to share a testimony. Last Sunday afternoon, I was in my garage on a ladder putting stuff in my rafters. I was on my last load and the ladder went out from under me and I tried to hang onto the rafters and I fell. I landed on my left hip and backside area and then hit my head, neck, and upper back on an industrial printer. I went to the ER and they did a ct scan with contrast and found no breaks of any kind in my head, neck, and spine. The next morning, I woke up without pain! Love lifted me as I was in God's hand. No one can tell me that wasn't a miracle. A fall that far and hard, I could only be protected by His mighty hand! I have bruises in lots of places on my body but nothing hurts from the fall. Isn't He wonderful? You have my permission and hope that you will share this to other believers as it was such an encouragement to me. I have been being attacked by the enemy for quite a while and was feeling really weary. The devil literally tried to take me down but he failed!
Three years ago, I watched my husband's grandma slowly pass away. Nine months later, after caring for my mother in law, she passed away. Six months later, I had a baby die in my arms and six months after that, my husband passed away. I was barely holding on emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But I did for my children, who were struggling with understanding all the death we have witnessed in three years. I was drowning and exhausted from trying to be strong for my children. I went to McDonald's because I had an extra 10 dollars. I don't know where that money came from since my budget was so tight. I got to the front of the line and learned that the person in front of me paid and left a message for me. The message was this: "You are stronger than you understand and you and your children will be ok." I did not recognize the vehicle in front of me. It was in that moment that I felt like I could actually breathe and the tightness in my chest lightened up. Wouldn't you know that the person behind me had a bill for just under 10 dollars! So I was able to do the same for them! I am still struggling, but we are going to be ok!
I love the new song on KLRC, "Running Back to You" by Seph Schlueter. God is waiting for us just as we are! We can run to him and He is ready to wrap his arms around when we get back to him. I know how safe I felt when my own earthly father wrapped his arms around me. God is much better!
I got to meet Kara from KLRC! I had a rough two weeks and the enemy was against me. My husband and I decided to rebuke the enemy and went to Faith and Family Night! When I met Kara her hug was real, and it was the Positive Difference I needed! It’s been a dream to meet Kara as she is like a soul sister! I am thankful that God places the perfect person in your path when you are hurting, I felt like God put Kara standing in that place for me to meet her!
In July of 2018, I lost hearing in my right ear. I went to urgent care and they told me it was just allergies, and they put me on allergy medication. I went to see my doctor, and they put me on for different antibiotics, and I told them that it wasn't working and there was something bigger going on.
In August I saw an ear and nose specialist he went up in my nose and looked, and he told me it looks like it's cancer. He wanted to do the biopsy the next day.
The next day we did the biopsy, and he came back in and told me it was three times bigger than what he thought. He told me it was called nasopharyngeal cancer and I was stage 4. I started chemotherapy and radiation and went from 250 to 180 lbs in 7 months. I lost 90% of my salivary glands, and they said it could come back or it may not. Thank God I had insurance. But I felt alone from the very beginning.
I heard a sermon on Psalms 23. I was walking through my own valley of death. But God was walking with me through the whole thing. Nowhere in the Bible does it say our lives will be a bed of roses when we are with Him. But in all things, He will be with us. When we go through rough times we can dwell in the bad or we can focus on making through it.
Now I am cancer free. I still have some struggles in life. But I know I'm not alone, and God has a purpose for my life. Even if it's to give others hope that if I can make it so can you. No matter if your married or single, a parent or not, you have a reason to fight. Our life affects everyone around us. We are all warriors who have some fight. We just have to remember we are not doing it alone.
The day of my Dad’s funeral, I heard Miracle Child by Brandon Lake three times in a row on the radio! I must admit… I had turned the station because this song broke me. The next two stations I turned to had it playing as well. Now, it’s one of my favorite songs. God takes our shattered pieces and turns our ashes into beauty & allows our tests to become testimonies.
I just absolutely 💯 love Christian music. 🎶 I grew up listening to it then got away from it for awhile, but I’m sooooo glad that I get to hear it everyday now whenever I want! I might not always remember the NAME of the song or the artist (as I’m getting to be an “old timer” 😝) but I still will keep on a playing it. It’s great for the soul.