Brandon Heath's Give Me Your Eyes was the song that got me hooked on Christian music. It came to me at a time when I had just realized how critical of everyone I had become because of my job and I hated feeling that way. It gave me the words to pray for a change in my life. It helped restore my peace and sanity.
I’m writing to share the story of my incredible daughter Willow, who is preparing for her second open-heart surgery— just two days before her third birthday.
Willow was born with a congenital heart defect (CHD), a condition that affects 1 in 100 babies, and her journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Despite the challenges, she’s a bright, spirited little girl who continues to inspire everyone who meets her.
This surgery is a crucial step in her health journey, and while it brings hope, it also brings immense financial and emotional strain for our family.
February is also Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about CHD and the strength of children like Willow. Sharing her story on your platform would not only mean so much to our family but could also shed light on the realities of CHD and bring much-needed awareness to this cause.
Warm regards,
Songs so make a difference! In Nov of 2021 my appendix ruptured. In fact it had ruptured days before I went to the ER. Doctors said it was a miracle I was alive. God had created a bubble around that rupture. Yes I was sick for a long time and all I could do was listen to music. Jireh by elevation worship is that song. The words I'll never be more loved than I am right now ! Was 100% true! The verse says you are enough and I will be content ! He is "Forever enough, always enough, and more than enough!" I am alive today and share my miracle whenever I can!
Good morning! I just wanted to share the song that got me through it. For me it was Zach Williams Sundays comin'. I was having a really rough time with my husband and a real struggle he has with alcoholism and I was at a point where I had just had it and was ready to give up and I got in my car the next morning and turned it on and that song came on and it just hit me.
I am so thankful for KLRC. All the hosts are positive. I love Kara and Robert's laughter in the afternoon. It always puts me in a good mood on the way home. I also am thankful for the positive stories that Mark and Kristy read in the mornings. This station is clean and great for my mental health.
This morning started off lousy. No one wanted to get up, the dog pulled me out the front door and I fell on my knees really hard, and then the grandkids missed the bus. God turned it around because if they hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been driving them to school with the radio on at this exact moment and heard this amazing new song. Lord, you make even bad morning good.
I just want to say that KLRC's kindness challenge worked and I will be using the steps more often! Even if it's just for one day. I'm an office manager and I have a lot of good and bad interactions at work. This challenge helped me connect with a very difficult employee and I'm grateful. I love you guys, thank you!
I am 11 years old (almost 12) and the year has been hard for me. My uncle, great-grandmother, and great-uncle died these past 4 years. Because of my being adopted at birth, this is a harder weight to add to my first sadness, which is never seeing my biological parents. But through it all, I had help. I learned through all the different songs you play and stories you tell that there is always hope. I also found out some things I never knew about myself. For one I saw I had a talent for singing. Because songs made me feel better, I started singing the songs that helped me feel happy. I also realized I had a gift of feeling the feelings of others. This made me realize that my dream of being a missionary, preferably in China, could be more of a reality. Through my gift of empathy I could sense the emotional needs of someone, and after helping them in their emotional needs, I could help their spiritual needs. And by singing I can bring songs to where I go with their original power of positive help. But, I know it's not me who feels or sings, it's all God doing it through me. God bless all of you!
December 2023, I went for the first time to Dallas Distribution Center to volunteer with Christmas Shoeboxes. Every box that people submit, throughout the country, must go through a distribution center for inspection prior to being shipped to another country. The most inspiring moments while at the distribution center, were: when we all stopped and prayed over the shoeboxes, which this happened every hour and half or so; once an inspection is complete, the box is taped -- the tape stays on until opened by the child (awesome knowing this) and; once a shipping container is full a horn is blown, everyone in the center stops what they are doing, and the people that loaded the shipping container lays their hands on the boxes and we all (hundreds of us) pray over the boxes, shipping container and the children. Talk about tears. I cried every time a shipping container was full.
I encourage anyone to go and volunteer at a distribution center. I have gone on several mission trips and this is by far the best
KLRC has made a huge impact on my my life through playing the right song every time for almost four years. Last Sunday I was baptized! God works through KLRC. I've also been called by God to financially support KLRC with a donation this fall, knowing God is the one who provides for me.
One day I was at the light on MLK and I saw this homeless man holding a sign asking for help. God then spoke me and said give him the Nike shoes that I have sitting on the back seat. So I did what God told me to. When I got out of the car to hand him the shoes I said to the man God told me to bless you with these. He looked at me and tears were streaming down his face and he said thank you. I told him you're very welcome and Jesus loves you very much and he is always there for you and always will be. He said that he needed a new pair of shoes but he couldn't afford any. It just makes me feel so good inside to help others in need and show and spread loved one another because that's what God wants of his children.
Six years ago, I met my husband. I didn't know it at the time, but he was still battling drug addiction. I was persistent in pursuing a relationship with him. Fast forward four years. I was still struggling with infidelity, but this man stuck by me. Even through the worst of it. He told me the one thing I needed to hear. "You don't put down a diamond to pick up a rock." You see, my husband wasn't a Christian when he met me, but he "just knew" there was something about me that he wanted. That same year he gave his life to Christ! We still struggled through our marriage and almost called it quits a few times. The very last time this happened, I was ready to throw in the towel for good and walk away when he told me that he needed help with his walk with Jesus. I remember telling him, "Well nobody helped me, why should I help you." and I walked away from the conversation. God later convicted me saying, "You went through that alone so that you could help him when the time came." That was the major wakeup call that I needed. So I went back to the conversation and told him that I would help him in any way that I can. He told me that he wanted to get baptized again to rededicate his life. And separate from this, our four year old also gave his life to Jesus and my husband got the joy of baptizing him! If we would have never officially invited Jesus into our relationship, who knows where we both would be. I praise God for this and for the future together. We are so blessed!
Hearing the story today on the air about the sports team playing and you already know the outcome of the game, I struggle with anxiety so badly and hearing this story helped me so much in opening up my faith and trust in God so much more. He knows my story as he wrote it and who better to go to with questions about a story than the author. Thank you for the work you do everyday and I praise God for the peace and joy you bring through the station daily. Thank you KLRC.