Hebrews 12:1 says Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
But the question is ... HOW? How do we run with endurance?
This week Susan is joined once again by TTM Assistant, Keri Sallee, to dive into the story of the Olympian, Derrick Redman, and how it is a perfect depiction of how God will help us keep going...even in the toughed race of all...life.
Want a Copy of the Heart Self-Care Quiz from Pt 1? Free Resources
Still need tickets to the 3C Conference? Get them Here: 3C Conference Tickets
Pre-Order Susan's new book on Amazon! Faith Love Forgiveness
Giveaway Terms:
1) Giveaway is from Tuesday May 7, 2024 (7:00am CST) through Monday May 20, 2024 (12:00pm CST)
2) Only reviews published during that time will be eligible.
3) Reviews can be left on: Apply, Spotify, YouTube Podcasts and Blubrry podcast streaming platforms.
4) More than one entry per person is allowed...however only one review per platform will be eligible.
5) Winners will be announced on the Podcast May 21, 2024. Winners will be required to contact us with their contact information to acquire their prize.
6) Prize is for tickets only. TTM is not responsible to travel, lodging or other needs in relation to the winners attending the conference.