As we start a new year and a new decade, KLRC wants to invite you into a special challenge this January.
The future holds plenty of uncertainties, but one thing we’re pretty sure of is that there will be a lot of noise fighting for our attention in 2020. What if, together, we focused on LISTENING... listening to what is best for our souls! Join us this month on a special journey of filling our hearts with good things and learning to connect and listen to God together!
Ready to get started?
Download one of the special KLRC “Listen” phone backgrounds (Download: Option 1 | Option 2) and set it as your lock screen. Each day (and for many of us, multiple times a day), it will be a helpful reminder to pause and listen!
Need help? Using your phone, tap one of the download links above to open the image. Now, long press the image to bring up the option to save or download the image to your device. To set the image as your lock screen, follow these instructions on iPhone or these instructions on Android.
Consider making KLRC your home this month for uplifting music and encouraging conversations. We’ve had many listeners take up the challenge of listening exclusively to see what a difference it would make in their lives. Katelynn told us:
“The challenge made me into a new me!”
KLRC podcasts are also be a great way to listen and help your heart connect with God. Check out A Listening Life, More Than Small Talk, our new podcast A Brave Place (coming January 1st), and other podcasts here at KLRC.com or on the KLRC App!
Each week starting January 6th, we’ll share simple but powerful steps we can all use to help us listen to God in some fresh new ways! Be sure to join the KLRC Insider Facebook Group to get all the encouragement and content.
Our friend Tracy Balzer says,
"Hearing the voice of God can be hard in our overloaded, demanding lives. But if we recognize our deep need for that voice, we can grow in our ability to listen. Just as a small child’s attention span can grow in the middle of distractions, we can grow to be more alert to the voice and presence of God in the midst of our own. But it takes time. Growth takes time. We need to be patient with ourselves, for as we walk the journey of faith, the terrain changes regularly."
Tracy Balzer
These four weeks will give you some simple spiritual practices that invite us to tune in to the voice of God. Whether we find ourselves on a level plain in very ordinary circumstances, on top of a mountain with a clear 360° view, in a valley of confusion or pain, or entering into new territory that is spiritually stretching us, God is speaking. Are you ready to listen?