The God of the whole wide big universe loves YOU! It’s amazing! So when we think about loving Him back, how do we even begin to show it? Andrea shares some thoughts on how to take one step closer in reciprocating His love in return.
Next Steps: Spending more time with God is a great way to love Him more and to be more aware of Him at work in and around you. As described in the video, set some time aside today to write down how much time you currently spend with God (whether in prayer, reading your Bible, etc.). Whatever amount of time you wrote down, that’s your baseline. That’s where your relationship with God is today. So what’s one more thing you could do, big or small, to increase your baseline? You can ask God, “What is one more thing I can do to love you more…” and give space to see where He guides your thoughts. Any step forward is still forward, so no matter how big or small the commitment, it’s closer to loving God with all your heart, soul and mind.