Power-Up Challenge Day 2
Posted by Justin • January 10, 2023
Posted by Justin • January 10, 2023
Welcome to Day 2 of the KLRC 12 Day Power Up Challenge! Over the next 12 days, we want to do some simple but powerful things together, like experiencing hope, engaging truth, and expressing love.
In Day 2's video, Chaplain Justin shares about Engaging Truth through the words of Jesus found in Matthew 5:3. Check out this video and discover how truly blessed you are!
Video Transcript:
Welcome to another day of our power up challenge! Let's take some time to engage truth. Here are the first words of one of Jesus's most famous messages: "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. That comes from Matthew 5:3. Notice Jesus does not say it's the ones that have their act together that are blessed. No, Jesus blesses those who are down and out... the very people that are too often discounted or dismissed.
So if you are spiritually depleted for one reason or another, maybe you feel lesser than, not good enough, those kinds of things... I actually have good news for you. In THAT very place, Jesus calls you blessed. The King of Kings Smiles on you. He's ready to share the treasures of his Heavenly Kingdom with you. So don't count yourself out. As it turns out, empty hands are just perfect for receiving Christ's generosity. And on the flip side, I guess, don't count yourself up by piling on false gold and worldly trinkets and distractions and temptations.
Let's let all that go, except these empty hands, to receive from Jesus and say over and over again, "Thank you. Thank you for every blessing that he gives and Promises to give.