I recently went out to lunch with a friend of mine and as we were doing the song and dance of figuring out where to eat, he named off at least two restaurants in my small town that I hadn’t even realized were there. It had always been a running joke that I’m naturally a hermit, but we laughed really hard realizing how rare it actually is that I leave my bubble of “work, gym, store, home.”
“Dude, do you even go anywhere?”
Since our lunch I’ve thought a lot about what that means. Being one of the lucky people to live close to all of life’s “necessary” places, I have a pretty small area of operation. In fact, I think it’s generous to say that I cover maybe 5-ish miles a day. That’s not much, but it might be enough.
For me, listening to God daily in 2020 means looking for ways to walk, ride, or drive in my “Daily 5” the way Jesus would have me.
"We don't need to call everything we do 'ministry' anymore either. Just call it Tuesday. That's what people who are becoming love do."
Bob Goff – Everybody, Always
When I’m listening closely to God, a trip to the grocery store isn’t a chore to check off of a list, it’s an opportunity to say “God, use me, even in a small way to show your love to somebody. Help me see others the way You see them.” All of the sudden, the mundane becomes a mission. When I listen closely, my daily 5 becomes a chance to spread joy, to encourage, and be encouraged.
Beginning this new year, the KLRC Listening Challenge has helped me realize I don’t have to pack a full suitcase to have an impact in kingdom work. I have my Daily 5 to tend to, and that is enough.
Maybe you have more than a Daily 5. Maybe you have less. All the same, I would be so happy if you’d join me in prayerfully looking at your daily routine, and finding ways to share the love that you have been given. Whether it’s a thousand miles away at an exotic location, or on your second trip to the grocery store because you forgot the milk.