Mirror Moments with God
Posted by Susan Goss • October 24, 2018
Posted by Susan Goss • October 24, 2018
If I were a silent voice inside your head helping you to build healthy relationships, you might hear me say, "It's time for a little humility."
Years ago, I began something I affectionately call "Mirror Moments with God." During this time I ask God what part, if any, that I play in any difficult relationship or situation in my life. And because of His infinite mercy and grace, as only He can do, He reveals truth to me. Sometimes it's easy to receive and sometimes not. But it's always a faith-growing process.
It says in 1 Peter 5:6, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time."
Humility is a word you just don't see a lot in social media or on television. You don't get many movie scripts full of lines like, "Love you enemies," or "love your neighbor as yourselves," or even, "turn the other cheek."
The fact of the matter is, humility is becoming counter-cultural. This culture is raising children to learn, know, and develop their strengths, and push aside their weaknesses. This behavior has grave spiritual repercussions, because God literally designed us to need Him.
When we try to do relationships in our own strength, they fail. Satan will always attack in our weakest area and try to destroy our healthy relationships. We can only resist the enemy if we are totally dependent on God for His strength, not ours. We must then allow God to do what only He can do, in and through us.
Being humble literally takes us out of the equation so God can work. True humility says, "I cannot, but He can."