It’s all for good.
For ten years I have been a member of the KLRC team. I began my time here as a student intern, excited to learn the ins and outs of radio, and the incredible ministry that this team stewards. As I graduated from Student Intern (I believe “Isaac the Incredible Intern” was the moniker that Keri gave me?), to full-time On-Air host and Director of Social Media, I have felt nothing but joy, and the unmistakable presence of God in this place.
Through my time here I have joined the KLRC Team for unforgettable experiences-and because I can’t write an entire book about them (yet?) I wanted to share just one of them with you.
When we were given the chance to speak with Titus, a 15 year old young man who was in the midst of a battle with cancer, I was apprehensive. In a moment of cynicism, I remembered myself at that age. Angry, jaded, confused. Here was a young man who was battling something incomprehensible to me even as an adult. Who were we to borrow his precious time? How would he really react when we asked him how he was dealing with his situation?
“Through it all, it’s all for good. There’s going to be a good ending.“-Titus Grigg
After my first conversation with Titus, I knew I was speaking with a man with depth well beyond his years. My preconceived notions of how a teenager ”should“ be dealing with his situation melted away. In their place I found an example of gratitude and trust in God that I am still striving to emulate.
We were able to remain in contact with Titus through his journey into hospice. Having attended countless concerts in my time at KLRC, people tend to give me funny looks when I tell them the best worship experience I have ever had took place at Circle of Life Hospice… It was in Titus’ room that we gathered around him, and sang Good Good Father. Not a single dry eye was to be found as his voice echoed in that room. I will always remember that.
I am grateful for Titus’ example of how to live out life faithfully. To trust in God and to know that even when we can’t see it, it is all for good. There will be a good ending.
Though my journey with KLRC has come to an end and I am pursuing a new adventure, I look forward to joining you in the audience, and to continue to be ministered to by this wonderful place. Thank you for sharing your days with me on the air, online, and in person at concerts. If you see me around NWA, give me a shout-and please, don’t help Christy out on the Wednesday game.