“I don’t doubt for a second that God was with us. He spoke to us through KLRC at that very moment.”
Kathy from Rogers shared those words with us recently when describing one of the scariest moments of her life.
“Friday morning at 2:15am, my husband fell asleep at the wheel and totaled our truck. God protected him. He walked away with a broken hand and cuts on his body.”
God protected Kathy’s husband that night. She went on to explain that he crashed into solid rock, deploying all the airbags in his truck. He literally walked away. As Kathy and her husband drove home in her vehicle that night, they experienced yet another miracle.
“As we were driving home, your station was playing. I turned it up and thought about how odd it was that Christian music was on. I have no clue how KLRC became a preset on my car radio. What I do know is that God was speaking to us in that moment. I now love listening to KLRC and I am going to keep listening because I need it!”
Think for a moment about the times in your life when God made His presence really known to you. Your story may be very different from Kathy’s, but aren’t you grateful for those “God moments” when you truly encounter His presence? When you support the ministry of KLRC, you help make these moments possible for others every single day. Kathy doesn’t even know how KLRC came to be on her radio. Because of friends like you, God made His presence known that night in a way that Kathy and her husband will likely never forget.
The KLRC Spring Fundraiser is now only days away. Would you consider taking a moment right now to make a special gift to make a Positive Difference through KLRC?
Kathy is just one example of how God can use one person (you!), plus one uplifting song or one encouraging conversation to give hope to one heart at a time! Simply give online now or give us a call at 866-807-8585.
Your support and partnership are very much needed today. For so many, the last year has been especially hard. As a result, we have one of the best opportunities ever to share hope found only in Jesus when people need it most. Your gift today will help make it possible for even more people to encounter Jesus in the year ahead. Your gift also encourages new friends to join the support family by helping start the fundraiser strong on March 15.
Thank you for helping share hope. We can’t wait to see how God will use your continued support through KLRC, Real FM, the KLRC Podcast Network, and our new signal in Van Buren/Fort Smith to give hope to others when they need it most in 2021. THANK YOU for making your commitment today!
Because of Hope,
Sean Sawatzky
KLRC General Manager