Virtual family time is hard.
I was sitting at the table last weekend working out the logistics of how to virtually include my sister-in-law in the Thanksgiving meal this coming week. As my wife and I talked through all the annoying details of where to put the laptop where she can see and hear us, which of our computers had the better camera, I found myself feeling this mixture of exhaustion and frustration. “Why can’t things just be normal again?” I thought for the 1,526th time this year.
But then, as quickly as that sting of spitefulness for this year came and went, I felt a moment of solemn gratitude: “She’s still with us, and we have a way to see her safely.”
I’m thankful for God’s patience this year, because I’ve punctuated almost every moment with either a small tantrum, or a gratitude-filled apology. I don’t think I’m alone, either.
O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
1 Chronicles 16:34
As my traditions get disrupted, and my family table now includes faces on laptops, God is still good. This season is hard, and even when I’m throwing a hissy fit, His loving-kindness is there to embrace me… and for that, I’m thankful.