Good Friday is the day we remember how Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. He paid the penalty for our sin when He himself had no sin at all… Jesus didn’t have to give his life, but he willingly did so because of his love for us!
As we consider Jesus’ gift to us, you’re invited to join us in showing a glimpse of His love by paying for the person behind you at the drive-thru!
Friday, March 29th, is our next KLRC Drive-Thru Difference day! While we take time to remember Jesus’ gracious gift to us, let’s surprise the person behind us in the drive-thru with an act of gracious love, and pay for their order!
To complete the experience, you’re welcome to include the KLRC Drive-Thru Difference note to explain the heart of this special Friday! Feel free to print the note or use it as a guide to make your own!
Join us on Good Friday and make a Positive Difference at the Drive-Thru!
Download the Drive-Thru Difference Note
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