Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! - Psalm 66.5
Come and see what our God has done…
There’s something so wonderful to about the invitation that David gives in Psalm 66:5 to “come and see.” It’s an invitation to reflect and praise together as we remember the remarkable journey that God’s people have been on.
By no means has the journey been easy, but still David invites us to lift our voices up in praise as we remember not just the fear of the high water, but the overwhelming peace that God brought as the water subsided. Through all of Psalm 66 we are given the full picture-the duality that every believer experiences of the heavy burdens on our backs, and the relief that only God can bring as those burdens are eased.
David sets an example here, and makes a compelling call to make our burdens part of our praise-a testimony of God’s faithfulness to carry us through to the end. To hear us when we cry.
What awesome miracles He performs for people!
As I read this verse, I can’t help but think of the times that I have been standing on the shore, waiting on the waters to part. Waiting on my awesome miracle. Reminders like these from David are so important: God is here with us, His eyes still watch the nations, and He still listens to his children’s voices.
Maybe you’re there right now. Maybe the water is getting higher than you’ve seen it before. I pray that you can hear and accept this invitation to worship and lift your voice up as the water rises. Remember what God has done, and remember what God has promised to do. Come and see what awesome miracles He performs…