Our third and final Christmas Wish family for 2021 is Adreanna and Ethan Pendergraft! This morning, Mark and Christy called to tell them about how our amazing listening family and Sam's Furniture have teamed up to bless them this Christmas season.
In case you missed it, here's a little background on their family from their friend, Melody:
I have known Adreanna her whole life. She is like family to me. She and Ethan have been married for three years now. They are new parents after adopting their son just a little over a year ago. In October, Adreanna was diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor that was causing her to rapidly lose her sight. Surgery was scheduled to remove the tumor in November. Just two weeks before her surgery, the family was hit with another curveball when they found out that Ethan would also need emergency brain surgery to repair a brain shunt that was failing and causing fluid to enter his brain. Definitely a lot all at once for this young family.
Ethan is a math teacher at Gentry Middle School. Adreanna is an aspiring photographer and also works for the Boys and Girls Club. Through all of their struggles they have kept a positive attitude and continue to do anything they can to help others, especially those who are recovering from substance abuse, an area that is close to Adreanna's heart. If ever there was a family that could use a little help this year, it would be the Pendergrafts.