Our first Christmas Wish family for 2021 is the Webb Family! Here's what one friend had to say about the Webb's...
Ansley Webb is a 6th grade literacy teacher at Ruth Barker Middle School in Bentonville. She has been teaching for 13 years. After the first day of school this year Ansley, her husband, and daughter were at home in the evening as normal and went to bed. Around midnight they awoke to their house engulfed in flames. They were able to get most of their pets and all of their people out, but they lost every single thing they owned. She found a half burned shadow box of memories and some special china, but nothing else.
It was such a sad situation but it was beautiful to watch her handle this. I teach math on the same team as her... my job is greatly affected depending on how she does hers. Her life was shattered and she was only gone from work for two days. Her main concern coming back was that the kids would be scared their own house would burn down. She is ALWAYS thinking about what is best for kids and going above and beyond to achieve it. Her classroom has very few desks. She thinks, and works, outside of the box. She teaches through projects and experiences that a lot of our students wouldn't be afforded to have if it wasn't for her!
Aside from students, she is just a very selfless person. In the midst of her own struggles she has organized a food drive, implemented random acts of kindness for our students to carry out in our school and community, and so much more. She is so focused on her students and job that I can't see how she is even able to rebuild her home and life.
Our generous listeners, our friends at Sam's Furniture, and the team at Ruth Barker Middle School teamed up to bless Ansley, and her family for our first Christmas Wish reveal.
Want to get involved in KLRC's 3 Christmas Wishes? Learn more about Christmas Wish Family #2 and how you can make a Positive Difference!