Big News About the Drive-Home
Posted by Ansen • June 21, 2024
Posted by Ansen • June 21, 2024
As of July 8th, I will be stepping down from my role as host of The KLRC Drive-Home. I have so enjoyed the 4000+ afternoons (I tried to count, and that's the closest I could get!) I’ve spent with the KLRC listening family, and none more so than the last 11 years partnering with my co-host, Kara. To be clear, I’m not leaving KLRC—far from it. But after 17 years of hosting the show, I’m ready for a new chapter regarding my role in this ministry.
If you want to stay connected with me, don’t worry! You’ll still hear from me on the air each weekday on KLRC from 1-3pm, as well as every weekday afternoon on our sister station, Real FM. I’m also excited to share that my co-worker and friend Robert will be joining Kara as co-host of KLRC’s afternoon show. You’ll be hearing a lot more from them about their plans for the show in the near future.
Stepping down from the Drive-Home feels like the right choice for me in this season for two reasons. First, reducing my on-air duties will give me more time to lean into my growing behind-the-scenes responsibilities. I’m thrilled about the opportunity to help lead KLRC in the areas of strategy, design thinking, and innovation. Second, not being on-air each afternoon during school pickup and dinner time will allow me to be more present with my family and kids. Being available to help my wife manage the chaos of after-school routines and weeknight dinners will be such a blessing!
Thank you for the opportunity to experience life with you each afternoon for so many years. I’m so grateful that some very kind and gracious people took a chance and gave a young, inexperienced college student the opportunity to host an afternoon radio show 17 years ago. And I’m looking forward to bearing witness to how God will continue to make a Positive Difference through you and KLRC in the years to come!