Because. Of. Jesus. Eight year old Cade shared those three words with us when we asked why he gave his $20 gift to KLRC. Those three words were echoed by 1,862 of you who responded to God’s leading to help share Hope through KLRC during the Spring Fundraiser. Each gift, each prayer, each life changed, each encouraging song and uplifting conversation – it’s all because of Jesus.
Because of Jesus, almost 2,000 of you pledged $889,313 so that even more people can experience the Hope of Jesus in the year ahead. Plus, 200 families will receive two weeks of groceries through the ministry of Feed the 479! Our hearts are full. Our floors are covered in confetti. And, we look forward with great expectation of how God will use your generosity to share His hope with more people than ever before through KLRC, Real FM, the KLRC & Real FM Podcast Networks, and our new signal in Van Buren and Fort Smith!
We’ve all learned so much in the last year about how much we need each other and about how much we need the Hope of Jesus. We commit to you that as a ministry, we will passionately pursue the heart of God by encouraging and caring for our community, creating extraordinary experiences for you, and serving you through humility, gratitude, and stewardship… because of Jesus.
Thank you for helping make it all possible!