Our second Christmas Wish family of 2022 is the Scarberough Family! Here's what one of the family's friends shared about the Scarberough's:
The Scarberough's have hearts that exemplify what God's love is. They are raising 9 children and 8 of them are adopted. When they decided to adopt they had not planned for so many children, however, they lovingly chose to keep all the siblings together rather than separating them. (Talk about an instantly huge family!) Their ages range from 6-15 years old. I know they are showering all those children with love and are teaching them about Jesus.
Kevin is a teacher and his wife works full time as well. All of their resources are dedicated to simply sustaining the family. They have one multi-passenger van that they use to transport the entire family all over Northwest Arkansas for school, appointments, sports and more.
The Scarberough's are an unselfish couple who are willing to help anyone in need; whether by prayer or in-person service, they will be there! They deserve this Christmas wish because of their faithfulness, dedication and support they have given SO many others. I would love for them to feel that same dedication and support.
Look at how God provided through our amazing KLRC listener family! Watch the full reveal video here: