I am having to move due to my landlord selling the property that I live on. I also have a son that is special needs in the state hospital. I have asked them to place him in a group home until I can get this situation handled. I am trying to buy a home so I can bring my son home. I cannot place him in an apartment. Please pray that I at least find a temporary living place until I find a home to buy. Please also pray that my landlord does not have any hard feeling for me while I try to leave his place. Thank you.
This past month and a half have been very trying for me and my family. My mother suffers from mental health issues and has had to enter a mental health facility. Today my oldest son's lung collapsed spontaneously. I am a full-time nursing student at JBU and have a full-time job to provide for the family. My strength is really being tested as of late. I am really needing the Lord's hands on my family right now
My husband has degenerative back disease and he is in chronic pain. The doctors told him he may have rheumatoid arthritis. He told me this morning that his pain has gotten worse this last week, he cannot bear it anymore and he requested prayer. I have been praying but thought it would sure help if others were praying for him too! He has to sleep in a recliner. We haven't slept in the same room since we have been married and it is a bummer. I pray God will touch his back and heal him so he doesn't have to hurt all the time. He is a welder by profession but he still works, and he refuses to get on disability. Thank you.
At the ages of 52 and 49 we married fast, still broken from past relationships. We have been married 5 months as of yesterday. We go to church together and we pray together, but we are having many issues. I believe God put us together. Please pray that if it is His will we find a way through this storm together.
I'm currently battling stage 5 liver failure (non-alcoholic). The doctors said there's nothing they can do for me at this point. I still have babies at home. I got denied my SSI and I haven't worked since September. I've almost lost everything. I want special prayer for my finances PLEASE.
My daughter, her fiancé, and my granddaughter are having job struggles, financial troubles, and health problems. I have some anxiety issues over my financial situation and the work that I am doing with Celebrate Recovery, DivorceCare, and my counselor. I’m getting overwhelmed by it all.
Thank you so much!
I'm a single mom of four and my youngest is graduating and going to college next fall. I have spent over 20 years making decisions based on my kids' needs rather than my own. I will soon have no one to consider except myself and that's a scary thing to me. I want to make decisions based on God's purpose for my life but I feel very untethered and my options are overwhelming.
Two years ago, my husband began his mid-life crisis. Satan took over and he took a mistress and ended our 20-year marriage. He currently has a wife our children’s age, and I pray every single night that he will come back to the marriage God blessed us with. I pray for his physical and mental safety, I pray for his trip back to the Lord and back to being the spiritual Christian man and leader he was before. The love I have for this man has no limits and I will never stop praying over him, asking God to bring back His child.