
Feeling Lost

Posted by Anonymous

I feel lost and empty. I want God to help me find myself again. I have no one to run to. I’m so lost.

I’m Praying for This

My Family and I

Posted by Anonymous

I'm going through a rough patch right now, and doesn't really seem like it's going to end anytime soon. I need prayers for both my family and I to get through this for the better.

I’m Praying for This

Praying for Others

Posted by Mike

I know a lot of people going through hard battles. Please let them know that they are not fighting these battles alone. Please join me in praying for my loved ones.  

I’m Praying for This

Clarity and Provision for Job

Posted by Anonymous

My husband needs clarity as he seeks a new job. His last paycheck from his current job will be July 30. Please pray God will soon provide him with a wonderful job that will provide for our family. Please pray it will not involve a pay cut from his current job because we are barely able to make ends meet as it is. Please pray God will answer our prayers this week. I’m so stressed.

I’m Praying for This

My Mom

Posted by Donna

Please pray for my mom. Please pray for good results for her. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Urgent Job Request

Posted by Anonymous

I am almost 60 years old and have a couple of things happening today. I'm having to negotiated severance separation package that has a noncompete associated with it and praying for God's favor eliminating the noncompete. Also have an interview today. Pray for favor in the interview and a potential offer. And the offer doesn't require me to take a pay cut. Thank you for praying for me.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I had routine bloodwork done last week and the results are suggesting cancer of some type. I see the doctor Friday to discuss further testing. I need God's peace and strength if I am to walk through this valley. Thank you for praying.

I’m Praying for This

Housing Situation

Posted by Krystle

Please pray for God's favor in an upcoming potential move. We are needing a positive outcome to be able to move into the home we're wanting to be able to finally start to better our financial situation as well as help a member of our family.

I’m Praying for This

Job Loss

Posted by Anonymous

Update on Prayer Request 7/9/2024

Praise God I received an offer yesterday from a new company and working through a few points on the offer. My current company I haven't heard from yet as the HR contact is back in the office today, so I pray i will hear from him on final severance offer and that my last day can be defined. Thank you for your prayers on both topics.


I have a conference call 6/10 with my company to discuss a separation package.

I am almost 60 and know that God is in control. There are some areas that I want is discernment and favor on how to dispute my termination and I call on God's discernment to not be passive where I am called to act.

Praying for God's favor in the outcome and to be patient and HIS timing

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Phyllis

Please pray for my mother in law's health. They discovered she has a broken neck and her blood platelets are low and she has a blood disorder. Please pray for her and the upcoming surgery on her neck.  She is doubting that she can make it through the surgery.  Thank you.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Alene

Please pray for my son and his family as they travel to visit family and friends. Also, pray for my daughter and I as we travel.
Bless you for all that you do!

I’m Praying for This

Salvation/ Finances

Posted by Anonymous

Please help me pray for the salvation of my husband, children, and grands. We are also struggling to make ends meet.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My wife and I have been separated. We need prayers for forgiveness, reconciliation and most of all deliverance from anger, strife and pride. We both love Jesus; however, we have let the devil into our marriage through anger, pride and strife. We need to be healed and delivered from old soul wounds as well.

“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.

Thank you all in advance for prayers. I love my wife and she loves me. However, the toxicity levels from our soul wounds, anger, pride and strife have driven us apart.


I’m Praying for This


Posted by Shelley

I have been in relapse for a while now. I tried to control it on my own and it didn’t work. I am in extreme emotional pain for what I have done. Now I have to leave my husband and child so I can get better. I had an amazing relationship with God before this and now it is gone because I chose not to talk to Him and grow that relationship. Please be in prayer as I head to detox on Tuesday. Please pray for my husband and child as they will be without me for a little while. Please be in prayer for restoration. Please pray that I can have a relationship with God stronger than ever.

I’m Praying for This

Rest for Clean-Up Crews

Posted by Joe

I would like to request that people continue to pray for all of the clean-up crews and volunteers who have been working non-stop since the storms came through over Memorial Day weekend. Pray that they would all get some good sleep to be rested and ready for another day of helping people.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Kristen

Pray for my mom please. She had trees come down on her home due to the storms that went through Northwest Arkansas. Now she is unable to stay at her house.

I’m Praying for This

Son's Family Affected by the Storm

Posted by Barbara

Prayers for my son and his family. He lives in Rogers. He had 3 trees uproot in his yard and damage to his home. The family is safe thank goodness.

I’m Praying for This

Husband's Employer Damaged

Posted by Becky

Please pray for my husband, as his job is in Rogers, a gas terminal, which is shut down. Windows busted out, and water damage inside. Gas lines down as of right now due to loss of power.

I’m Praying for This

Power for Oxygen After Storms

Posted by Fern

Please pray for our power to come back on as soon as possible after the damage we experienced in the tornado. My husband is on oxygen. I'm praying we have enough tanks to last until the power is restored. Right now it's good thanks to a friend that brought us a generator.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Wayne

Please pray for our camp called Kings Outpost Camp, located between Stilwell and Westville. Our older boys camp starts Memorial Day on Monday and goes through Friday. Pray for safety and saved souls.

I’m Praying for This

Mission Work

Posted by Tammie & Brad

Prayers appreciated as we move to Uganda in a couple of months for the last stage of our ministry for me (Tammie)to join the staff of a very young Christian University while my husband (Brad) continues working in Bible translation with a 95% Muslim group in Tanzania and also as a translation consultant in other translation projects in E Africa.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Pray all goes well with the pregnancy and delivery for my niece and her baby due this summer.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband and I are currently looking for marriage counseling. It’s very overwhelming with all the options. Money is also a big issue. So just finding something that works for us has been a challenge. We are currently living separately and desperately need Jesus to step in and turn things around. Thank you for any prayers. God bless.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Gerald

Please pray God super abundantly meets the needs of our family and richly grants all of our God given desires. Thanks and may God do the same for your family.

I’m Praying for This

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