
Feeling Numb

Posted by Becky

I am not entirely sure how to explain myself. I have been in and out of depression since November.  I have been unemployed since January, and it feels like all the friends that I once had have dispersed since I just haven’t been happy like I used to be. This is a new feeling for me and I hate it. I used to be the one who encouraged others and was happy for everyone else; but something happened and now everything is so dark and I feel abandoned by everyone. I’ve been debating leaving my church because it feels like I need to be happy to be apart of the ‘group’.  I’ve been asking God for months for direction, but I honestly don’t know how to hear Him anymore.

I’m Praying for This

My School

Posted by Anonymous

I am in 5th grade and really hoping to go into 6th and get good grades.

I’m Praying for This

Need Home

Posted by Brenda

Please pray that I find a place to stay before it is too late.  Also, I have several other requests, financial and personal.  Please pray for me 

I’m Praying for This

A Fearful Mom

Posted by Sandra

Please pray for me.  I am getting 4 wisdom teeth out Thursday.  I really need to get an I. V., but I don't have the money for it.  I have to have the gas and I'm really afraid.  I don't want to be awake so this causes the surgery to be harder.  My tooth is sideways and with my age, it will be harder.  Please pray that God will take this fear away from me and help me to be calm.  Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Open Heart Surgery

Posted by Anonymous

A precious friend is having a quadruple bypass tomorrow. Please be in prayer for a radical healing and recovery that points all glory to Christ.

I’m Praying for This

Husband's Medical Tests

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my husband's medical tests to all be okay! He is waiting on blood test results and should hear something this week. Based on the blood test results the next test will be a biopsy.

I’m Praying for This

Son to get US Citizenship

Posted by Monik


Thank you for your daily prayers.  Pablos' process is going faster than we thought.  He will need to prepare for the written test and reading, and interview with the immigration officer.

Pray for my health, I want to be healthy to serve God, and I know he is my healer.

Pray for our local, state, national Govenrment and globally for the people in charge to be Godly people, and have wisdom.

Thank you for your daily prayers and encouragement to me in my solitude as a widow and grandma.


My son, Pablos, has been in the US for 20 years. He is from Columbia and is in the process of getting his citizenship. Please pray it goes quickly and smoothly. Also pray for two teachers, Donna and Erica for health.

I’m Praying for This

Open Doors

Posted by Marisa

My husband unexpectedly lost his education job 2 weeks ago and has struggled finding work this time of year. Please pray the Lord opens only the doors we need to walk through and that we remain faithful and keep our eyes on Jesus and not the storm.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have a appointment today at 11:45 5/3, Could you pray for God's favor and to open doors that are from him and close others?

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Patti

Please pray for Mikey, he is on life support.

I’m Praying for This

Praying Across the Globe

Posted by Anonymous

Update:  I am taking another exam on 27th of May, please pray God will give me a big breakthrough and I will get the job.  Thank you. 

Prayer Request from January 6, 2018 Praise the Lord, I am from Gujarat in India.  Two months ago, I was given a written exam for Senior Clerk Job in government and I passed. Thank you, Jesus.  Now, on January 21, 2018, I have to complete a computer proficiency test.  Please pray God will give me success, so that I will be able to obtain the job.  


I’m Praying for This

Brain MRI

Posted by Anonymous

I am having a brain MRI on 5/2. I have scheduled it twice before and canceled it out of fear, even though 3 doctors have told me I need to have it done. I have been spending lots of time in prayer and in His Word the past week or so to help me prepare for this. I don’t know why the enemy has caused me so much anxiety over this. I’ve definitely been through much worse. I ask for prayer that I will have courage and not feel any anxiety and that this 3 hour procedure will go smoothly. Thank you so much for praying for me. I believe in the power of prayer and I know that God will be right there with me through it all.

I’m Praying for This

Healing & Relief

Posted by Julie

My husband has been so sick off and on for nearly 20 years. He is a severe diabetic and has almost lost both legs at various times, but through faith, surgeries, numerous treatments where I had to be caretaker and nurse, and sheer determination, he kept them. 
Over the year, he struggled emotionally and mentally wondering where God was and why he was going through this. I never had an answer but said that God knew and we needed to fight and pray. We struggled financially but I kept working, kept praying, and kept it from my husband so he could focus on healing.  I can't work anymore than I am. I meet myself coming and going. Please pray for healing and relief.  I need healing and relief, too.   I am trusting God's plan, but I need some extra prayers. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

House Fire

Posted by Anonymous

An amazing lady at my son’s preschool lost everything in a house fire.  Please pray for her, her spouse and children.   Please pray as we try to collect donations to help the family.  Thank you for your prayers and support!

I’m Praying for This

Son's Health

Posted by Anonymous

I ask for prayer for my 17 year old son He has a swollen lymph node and he's had all kinds of test that were all negative.  There's a chance it can be melanoma.  The doctor said he wants to send him to Tulsa for a biopsy to be 100% sure he doesn't have cancer.   I know Jesus knows all about it and he can heal.

I’m Praying for This

Stomach Pain

Posted by James

I am having serious stomach issues, please pray for me.  

I’m Praying for This

Stability, Success, and Protection

Posted by Anonymous

I could really use some prayer. My whole life has been flipped upside down over the last few weeks. My husband left me, I had a death in my family, and now my job is changing. I am asking for prayers of protection and peace. My anxiety is high with all of these changes but I want to trust that the Lord has a plan and will take care of me. Please pray my new job will be a blessing and I will be successful.  Also, asking for prayer with my confidence and hope for a new amazing relationship in the future. Thank you!

I’m Praying for This

My Daugher

Posted by Anonymous

My daughter has been wanting to be a vet for 8 years and was accepted into Votech.   She has a lot of depression and worries she is not going to be able to go to Votech.  My husband is disabled and I am starting college in the fall and we have only one way of transportation.  Without a miracle,  she will have to return to our school and miss out on Votech.  I know all things are possible, I ask for prayer for a way for her to be able to go. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My heart is breaking because my marriage is falling apart, and all I can do is pray about it.  I think my husband is having an affair behind my back with a younger woman  We been married 34 years.  I cry at night asking God what I should do.  Please pray for me that God would give me answers.  I am a broken heart wife.  Thanks to KLRC for the music at night.  It helps a lot when your sad and hurting.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I ask prayer for protection over my family and home. The wires are really bad and I'm afraid our home will burn down or catch a fire.  We were trying to move on low income, so we made an agreement with the landlord we would fix things.  We didn't know wires were bad when we moved in. I'm so afraid we will lose our home or and our lives. I ask for a miracle from Jesus that we will be safe and our home will be safe and that we have a place to move and the finances to do so.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have felt the last couple of months that I'm just not in the place God wants me to be. I now am facing a decision with my education. Please pray for heart and mind as I begin to make some very big decisions. I am constantly trusting in the Lord and know he has a plan. I'm just very confused about that plan right now.

I’m Praying for This

Father's Heart Surgery

Posted by Anonymous

A close friend's Father recently had open heart surgery and is recovering. Please help me pray for a recovery and better quality of life for his Father! Thank You and God Bless!

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"New" Addition

Posted by Anonymous

One of my best friends from college and his wife have been trying to get pregnant. Please pray for God to be with them, and bless them if it is his will!! Thank you & God Bless!!

I’m Praying for This

Needs to Move

Posted by Anonymous

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with MINE EYE. (Psalm 32:8 KJV)   Please pray that Ashley will moved as soon as possible.  Pray that she will not be fearful and will listen to the Father.  

I’m Praying for This

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