
God's Discernment

Posted by Laura

God has brought a Godly man into my life and we plan on marriage. We currently live in different cities. Neither one of us have finances to cover our bills.   Please pray, as we are in a bind and this is very frustrating. If there is anything God wants me to do right now I ask for wisdom. I am in a Social Security claim and I don't know if I will even get an approval. I just want to know what to do because this makes me feel like giving up. Thank you for your prayers.

I’m Praying for This

Staying Hopeful

Posted by Anonymous

I have various prayer request.  I am trying to help take care of my sister's three kids while she is in Oklahoma, just out of prison for drugs.  I am praying that she stays on the right path.  Praying for my mom in Oklahoma with COPD.  Prayers that I can flourish in my real estate business so that it will help me provide for everyone in my family in need. I want to take away their worries and help my family in hard times. I feel my heart aching every evening. I am praying staying positive, but thoughts still come.

I’m Praying for This

Marriage and Job

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for a job quickly, something better than I ever imagined.   After a long and grueling separation, please pray for my husband to get the help he needs. Pray for me to have clear direction full of wisdom and good people around me. Praying for complete healing. Praying for my children and their needs.  Lord please guide me!  Amen 

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I had an amazing job and my father had a stroke the end of January. By February 8, we brought him home on hospice.  The process of my father’s dying took about two weeks.  During that time my employer let me go.  When I filed for unemployment, my employer told the unemployment office I had quit. Since then I have applied for several jobs, but none of them have returned any interest. I’m starting to get discouraged.   I have heard my old employer gives bad reviews to someone who is seeking new employment,  I’m praying she is not doing this to me. I’m praying that I get a job soon.  Also that, I find a place to live, right now I’m living in my sister's bedroom. I need so many things, so many miracles that I need from God and my faith is there, but not strong. I just need prayer and lots of them.

I’m Praying for This

Need Changes

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray that I can move out into an apartment/dorm and that I/we can go to the right church, I don't think the church that we are currently at is the right one for us anymore.

I’m Praying for This

God's Help

Posted by Anonymous

Almighty, Faithful, Heavenly Father, God in Christ Jesus Blessed Name,  Even now, my family and I, fervently plead, and truly need, your help, and your divine intervention!  "If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?” (Psalm 130:3 KJV) By Faith, empowered by your Holy Spirit, we look forward, God, once again, to your welcomed, Timely, Glorious, and Victorious, response to our anonymous, intercessory prayers, and our earnest supplications.
By Faith, I humbly pray, in Christ Jesus Holy Name. Amen.

I’m Praying for This

Prayer for my Son

Posted by Anonymous

I have a young adult son who has horrible acid reflux and has been throwing up and diarrhea for days.  He went to the doctor and they want to do more test, but he cannot afford them.  He lives on his own and it takes all he has to pay bills.  I am asking for people to pray for a miracle from the Heavenly Farther Jesus Christ. Thank you!!!

I’m Praying for This

Praying for a Baby

Posted by Christina

My husband and I are trying to conceive. We are now in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). We just learned this morning that out of the 15 eggs retrieved from my body that only one is a viable embryo for transfer. We knew that there would only be a few embryos in the end but it was shocking to learn there is only one. Yes, I know it only takes one. I said it myself to the nurse just a few days ago. We're waiting on the results of the biopsy now which will tell us if there are any abnormalities. There is still hope, I know. I am really scared now thinking that I may never have a child of my own. If you can find it in your heart, will you please lift us in prayer? We could really use some prayer warriors out there in prayer with us. Thank you so much for reading my story.

I’m Praying for This

Son's Addiction to Alcohol

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray my son opens his eyes to his addiction and makes positive changes in his life.  His wife is about to leave him due to his temper rises when hes been drinking. He claims he has no problem with his drinking even though all of us see he does.  

I’m Praying for This

Prayers for Family

Posted by Anonymous

My dad is being accused of touching my cousins inappropriately 30+ years ago. There is no way it's true and my dad says it is a lie.  My fiancee believes everything that is being said and is getting a restraining order against my dad so he can't be around our 1 year old daughter. This is causing major conflict between a lot of people.   I just pray for peace for everyone. We really need God to intervene.

I’m Praying for This

Husband Needs a Job

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my husband. He lost his job almost 6 months ago, and he has applied to many, but nothing has came through yet.
Please pray for him and myself to have peace in our heart and trust Jesus at all time. Thank you so much!

I’m Praying for This

Feeling Lost

Posted by Anonymous

I have a lot of things going on with my in-laws that is causing friction with my wife and I.  I also just recently lost my father.  I want to be at peace and I pray, but it is like there is demons that attack me every day and keep pushing me down.  Jealousy started to creep into my mind and take stronghold. I need prayer for whatever is attacking me to stop in to become closer to God again to read my Bible like I used to.  I need the strength and provision to get up and work again. I want to listen to my devotionals. I need prayer for whatever demonic presence That is attacking me to go away! I need prayers for peace.

I’m Praying for This

Nine year old Suffering from Cancer

Posted by Vickey

Please pray for Abigail.  Her back has been hurting and they had been to the Doctor and emergency room a couple of times. The Doctors thought it was scoliosis. They did an MRI and found a lesion that is between two disks and has crushed the bottom disk. The lesion has turned out to be malignant cancer. I'm asking prayers for strength and an out pouring of love for her and her mom, Alyssa.

I’m Praying for This

Thank you

Posted by Anonymous

I just want to give thanks for KLRC and their prayer ministry.  I also want to thank the LORD for all he's done. He blesses me daily no matter what I'm going through.   Thank you and KLRC is such a big blessing.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Asking prayers for my family.  my husband has to have a heart catheter then stents if there's blockage on the 23rd.  My 18 year old son has surgery tomorrow to remove cyst and adenoids, which will be biopsied to check for cancer.  My 15 year old daughter has to have a scope to see if medication messed up her stomach.   I know God knows all about our illnesses and is in control.  I'm just overwhelmed.  I tried three times to go to work and the Lord prevented it, so I know he's working on all this. I need strength. please Lord.

I’m Praying for This

Newborn Baby and Mom

Posted by Marian

Please pray for Cruz, who was born with Strep B in his spinal column. Also, pray for his mother, Lesli, as she is having complications from childbirth.

I’m Praying for This

Lots of Stress

Posted by Anonymous

I'm asking prayer for my spouse.   I had to bring him to the ER due to chest pain and weakness.  We have a lot of stress and worries lately. I ask for healing on my spouse, and I ask prayer for myself.   I try so hard to keep my focus on Jesus and God's word but then I find myself with my total focus on my daughter's boyfriend's criminal history.  I'm so sorry Lord, I need help in this area and I pray not my will but your will be done. Help me keep my focus on you.  Help me take time with you and pray for things that come up instead of focus on my mind wandering to bad places.   I know if I trust in you everything will work out for the best and glory for you.

I’m Praying for This

Pray for Job

Posted by Randy

Please pray for my job. I left a previous job in March for a job I felt God had lead me to. However, things have not worked out as I hoped.  Please pray that God would lead me to where he would want me to do and that I would be obedient.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Debra

Please pray for my marriage.   My husband is addicted to porn and has had affairs.  He is verbally abusive. He was saved recently but I haven’t seen a lot of change. A lot going on and need prayers.  

I’m Praying for This

Financial Needs

Posted by April

Please pray for my small church congregations and their needs.  Also, my ex boyfriend needs salvation.  He is on drugs, homeless, he has nothing.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by April

I am homeless and needs prayers. I am struggling to find a full-time job. 

I’m Praying for This

My Father

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my dad’s salvation. He is possibly battling cancer and has already had surgery to help get rid of it. Also, please pray for me. I have a lot of bitterness and resentment in my heart toward him from my childhood that I need to get rid of. We don’t have the best relationship and I would be over the moon if that would change.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Barrick Green

We are asking for prayers for a 12 years old boy who has had cancer since he was 5. He needs prayer for healing and for financial help for his family. He recently had part of his jaw and a rib removed. Please pray.

I’m Praying for This

Walk for Wishes

Posted by Holly

Please pray for the children who are fighting life-threatening illnesses and were at the Walk for Wishes event in Springdale: Hayden, Andrew, Blake, Kristyn, Addison, Alexis, Grayson, Rylan, Boston, Taylor, Terrie, Claire, Maggie, Landon & Jonathan.
Thank you for praying for these precious children.

I’m Praying for This

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