

Posted by Anonymous

In need of a lot of prayers to have money to buy my three kids Christmas presents. my wife is stay at home mom and I work 50 hour a week. We are struggling to make it right now.

I’m Praying for This

Why Not me?

Posted by Sara

My 2 younger sisters are expecting their first kids.  I am thrilled to be an aunt, except that I am not 100% happy. I've been trying to get pregnant for two years.  Some how my younger sisters who are not even trying end up pregnant.  I feel hopeless and sad, I feel lost and I know God has a plan, but part of me is broken, and wondering why not me?

I’m Praying for This

Prodigal Daughter

Posted by Anonymous

My daughter is 21 and is in a bad relationship. She has two very your children.   The man she is with has caused pain to our whole family.  He threatens my daughter to take kids away if she has anything to do with us.  I ask for prayer for her and my faith is weak because of this and shes has to sneak around just to talk to her siblings. Please Lord help my daughter to realize her and her children deserve a better life. She needs you Lord, I need you Lord. Please move in this situation. And reunite her with her family.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband has a heart defect and has to have a triple bypass December 20. I ask for prayer and a speedy recovery and courage for all the family.

I’m Praying for This

My Family

Posted by Zach Coor

After a loss of a family member earlier this year. My family and I have been struggling to cope.  This whole stressful year has been rough. I love my family and they are always on my mind and in my heart!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by June

Healing for my 2 cats they have Fib.

I’m Praying for This

Opportunity for College

Posted by Robin

Please pray for a young man who is very deserving, and trying to get financial support to go to college.  Prayers God shows him grace.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Jasmine

Please please pray for my dad.   He is 77 and sick.  Please ask God to have mercy and heal him from all infections and diseases.  Please ask God to deliver him from all evil and to protect  and comfort him. Pray for us that God will have mercy and protect us from all evil and all plots against us mind body and spirit. 

I’m Praying for This

Cerebral Palsy

Posted by Daniela

I have spastic cerebral palsy.  Please pray for healing of my cerebral palsy, and my brains function.  Thank you very much.

I’m Praying for This

18 Year Old Son

Posted by Anonymous

I am the mother of an 18 year boy who is a senior in high school. He has friends that live on their own and making some poor decisions . He has started doing the same and also being very disrespectful to me. I am requesting prayer for God to send the Holy Spirit to intervene and open his eyes and heart. I am so fearful for what his future will be if he continues down this path.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Kaileigh

I got divorced from a bad situation and my young child and I had to stay in the car most of this year.  Praying God will open a home for me so I can get a great job and my child and I can be together for Christmas.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Autumn

Amber has had a long battle with cancer and has been given the news she only has around 2-8 weeks to live. As her sister I am broken, but still hoping and praying God will give us a miracle. Please help me pray for her and the rest of her family.  She has a loving husband and five beautiful children.  Pray for my mom,  I as a mother couldn't really imagine exactly how she's feeling. Thank you God Bless

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Lord in Jesus name I pray for Marina do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that she may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God , in Jesus name, Lord have mercy , I pray for her salvation, amen

I’m Praying for This

Nicolas' family

Posted by Crystal

Please pray for the Nicolas family.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Kris

My wife and I are having a really rough time with our marriage and having to live separately right now. We both agree we don't want a divorce but not sure how to put our life back together. It's been very tough and we could use a lot of prayers please. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My co worker has fold himself with a divorce under his belt. He is struggling to take all this in, ending the long years of marriage. I am greatly appreciative of his kind help in mentoring me within our employment. I pray that he finds peace and sanity with all that has unleashed lately. Also, I ask to pray for his wife that they may both restore the respect they once had. Please pray that he finds peace and restores to pick himself up once more.

I’m Praying for This

Stepmom's Health

Posted by Brian

Wednesday, my stepmom Linda, was given 4-6 months to live, she was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer. I know the power of prayer and know that God can do all things. Please pray for healing and comfort in this time of need.


I’m Praying for This

Praise for Protection

Posted by Anonymous

Praising our gracious, merciful, loving, compassionate God who spared the life of a dearly beloved individual in a car accident! The officer who arrived on the scene told them, "You could have been killed." Please pray that God's will is to fully restore them to excellent health.

I’m Praying for This

Keeping the Faith

Posted by Anonymous

I first want to thank KLRC and fellow listeners for your prayers. I pray for requests in the Prayer Center too. I know God hears our prayers and is pleased when we do this for each other. I'm thankful to have a job interview next week. I need prayers that this one will be the job that finally works out. I also need continued prayers for our financial situation. It's starting to look like I won't be able to get my vehicle fixed, but I'm still keeping the faith that God has a plan. Also, prayers for my son to continue to hang on to hope. I know he's tired of the financial struggles we've been going through. Prayers that I'll continue to trust God and His timing.

I’m Praying for This

Prison Work

Posted by Anonymous

Our God knows who has graciously been granted, in Christ Jesus, an additional opportunity to proclaim the glorious and victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ in another penitentiary! Please remember this gentlemen in fervent, intercessory prayer on Wednesday nights as he faithfully and fearlessly declares the Gospel!

Please pray also, as we are, for the salvation and the spiritual maturation of all the men. In Jesus' name we humbly pray, amen! Thank you!

I’m Praying for This

Physical and Financial Difficulties

Posted by Bonnie

September 2017 I was hospitalized with Cellulitis due to Lymphedema, during my stay my husband of 30 years now would not leave my side other then he had to replace the brakes on our van.  We have had numerous incidents occur and have been completely overwhelmed with the financial difficulties.  I am asking for two or more to join me in prayer to seek your face Lord in our time of need.  Thank you for listening and being willing to pray for my family.
Thank you Lord for loving us even when we are not very love-able and caring for us anyway, In Jesus name, Amen

I’m Praying for This

Health Issues

Posted by Paul

I had a stroke and am in rehab.  I can't move right arm/leg, everything financially is falling on my wife at the moment. Once I am able to use arm, I have to have a heart ablation. It has been a difficult year.  Can use the prayers.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

From the hands of a person who has been a caregiver for over 10 yrs. From a heart that is worn. From a soul that is weary. From a body that is tired.
My husband is dying. My second husband to die, actually. I'm in my younger 40's. One child is permanently disabled & needs me 24-7. Husband is chronically ill & needs me 24-7. Another child has a heart condition. Youngest one has to have some sort of normal life in this chaos. My other adult child left us. I don't blame them. It's hard to watch someone drown 24-7. I have 5 major chronic illnesses that involve daily pain, and I cannot take medications because I am needed by these family members. I know that the Word is true. A joyful heart is good medicine. A broken spirit dries up the bones. I am the broken.
Nobody helps us. Stuck between needing a miracle & reality.
I need God to send the church. The real church. I know He has chosen people to stand alongside and hold my arms like Moses' friends did. I just can't seem to find those people....or maybe they are not listening to the call. Pray for them. Pray for the ones that God has chosen to help my family. I know He would never leave me to do this by myself on purpose. My God is too good to do that. Pray for the church.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Olivia

For God to give me strength, to change my husband's heart, so he can have a heart of flesh not of stone. That he can come to the feet of Jesus and be a believer.

I’m Praying for This

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