
Adoption Process

Posted by Taylor

Please pray for my husband and I as we go through the waiting period of the adoption process. We pray for patience during this time and that we may be matched with a child that we can bring into our home.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Lacey

I pray for family reunion.

I’m Praying for This

Financial Needs

Posted by Shane

My family and I need prayer. Financially we are completely upside down. We're probably going to lose our apartment in a few days and possibly our car, too. We both work but my work has slowed down and I'm not able to make as much money as usual.  Pray that God helps us with our finances.

I’m Praying for This

Husband's Job

Posted by Anonymous

My husband and I reconnected after meeting 25 years ago and married last year. His job requires him to be gone 75-80% of the year. His normal schedule has him working nights and coming home for 4 days out of every 21. We've been praying for a new opportunity for almost two years. We are thankful for the provision, yet we need him home.

I’m Praying for This

Decisions for Sister

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my sister who is battling God on every front. She is facing some hard decisions that will have a huge impact on her kids. Please pray for guidance and strength to make the right decisions and to stand by them.

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Shoulder Pain Relief

Posted by Holly

I've been dealing with intense shoulder pain for two weeks now, with no relief with treatments. I am looking for prayers for pain relief!

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Student Safety

Posted by Katherine

Please pray that all of the kids in Springdale schools would be safe and loved as the cold weather approaches.

I’m Praying for This

Financial Burden

Posted by Anonymous

I have prayed for relief from financial burdens and depression, but would like to have others pray as well.  I am one who never tells anyone my problems and keeps everything inside, which has reached a critical stage.  My health is also not good and the stress is taking a toll.

Thank you for your prayers! I know Jesus has a lesson for me to learn from this struggle.

I’m Praying for This

A season of change

Posted by Allison

I have a few prayer requests:
My husband got a job for the army and will be moving soon.  We will only be seeing each other a few days a week (if that). This year it will be our two-year wedding anniversary.

We are having fertility issues and having problems getting pregnant.

We have financial needs and medical problems where insurance will not cover the medicine we need.

My father and mother were married for almost 35 years before my dad passed away from cancer. It is almost five years since he passed away (October 29).  My mom has pressed into God with all her heart but she still hurts. Mom's health is also declining and I am trying to care for her. It is taking a toll on me. I love my mother so much and it is hard watching a strong person go through this.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Morgan

My husband and I have been trying to start a family for the past three years. I have surgery next week.  My doctors are hoping this may be a solution as they suspect endometriosis. Please pray that we receive some answers and that we would be blessed with a child in God's way and in His perfect timing.

I’m Praying for This

New Marriage/Blended Family

Posted by Anonymous

I've only been re-married for around six months. Figuring out our new marriage and blending our families has been so hard. I feel God so near me and I'm trying to listen, but all I feel is pain and failure. I need prayer for God to strengthen our marriage and to feel like I am enough and doing all that I am called to do. I need God's strength to not give up and throw in the towel.

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Prayer Need

Posted by Teresa

Please pray for me.  I am 7 years clean and 7 years from a homosexual lifestyle.  My health is not great but the devil is attacking me more than usual.  Pray for me.

I’m Praying for This

Financial Issues

Posted by Jenni

My husband was told to go into business on his own over a year ago by God. It has been going well but now we are struggling. Bills are late. I know God will provide but we need to get these bills paid. We are stressed out. We have three kids to take care of. We are scared, but have faith.

I’m Praying for This

Husband's Test Results

Posted by May

We are waiting on bone density and cancer test results for my husband. We should hear back today. Please pray for no cancer.  UPDATE:  He is cancer free!!!!  God is Great!!!!

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My Mom

Posted by Lauren

My mom is scheduled for a breast biopsy at 2 this afternoon. after a mass was found on her right breast last week. Praying and believing for a victory!

I’m Praying for This

Family Future

Posted by April

My family moved here about a year ago for a job. Now our boss has told us they are selling the farm we are working on. We are trying to buy the farm. We have faith in the Lord to help us through this. It is a big step in our lives. Please pray for my family.

I’m Praying for This

Loss of Husband

Posted by Michelle

My husband Lee passed away a few weeks ago at the age of 46. This was a shock to us all. I feel so lost and heartbroken and struggle each day accepting he is really gone. Myself and my family would like to ask for prayers for comfort, strength, peace and understanding. Thank you and God bless.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have struggled with addiction since 2007. I’m tired of fighting. I’m tired of failing. I struggle with laying it at God’s feet and leaving it there for Him. I’m ashamed of my failures. I can’t tell anyone around me because of what I’ll lose. My addiction has stolen my pride and my dignity.  Pray for me.

I’m Praying for This

Loss of Husband

Posted by Michelle

My husband Lee passed away a few weeks ago at the age of 46. This was a shock to us all. I feel so lost and heartbroken and struggle each day accepting he is really gone. My family and I would like to ask for prayers for comfort, strength, peace and understanding. Thank you and God Bless

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

We are going through IVF again. We were blessed 2 years ago with a sweet child via IVF. We are wanting to grow our family and will be doing another round of IVF this month. Pray that we will be blessed with another healthy child.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Mark

My wife is in stage 3 cancer and I would like for you to pray for her. Also, today is our son's 18th birthday.  Pray for his walk with the Lord and pray for God's provision for our family.

I’m Praying for This

Mom's Health Issues

Posted by Megan

My mom is having some really bad health issues. She is currently in the hospital recovering from having another stent put in her heart. We also are coming up on the anniversary of my dads death on Oct 9. It will be 7 years but we are still recovering. Any prayers would be appreciated. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Marriage Healing

Posted by Owen

My wife recently left me after 16 years of marriage. She emptied the bank account and took the car, so things are a little tight. But more than any of the stuff, I want my wife back. Please pray that our marriage can be healed - that she will give it another try and we can have a marriage that honors God.

I’m Praying for This

Fighting for Marriage and Family

Posted by Peterson

I would like prayer for my marriage.  Pray that God would continue giving me strength and perseverance.

I’m Praying for This

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