I was laid off at the end of January, right before COVID. I had worked many years for this company and am in late 50’s. It’s so difficult to get a job at this age, even though I search everyday and consistently apply. Additionally, the company where my husband works now wants to cut all employees pay. His pay has already been decreased because of COVID. He has an essential job and is still required to go to work everyday without a mask. We would love prayer for God’s provisions for me a new full time job, pay protection for my husband, and protection for him from COVID since he is not allowed to wear a mask at work through this. Thank you.
This weekend was really confusing as I’ve been watching to see God at work in this situation.
My mom has been living in an assisted living facility and really been struggling. Two weeks ago my mom broke her pelvis and she was admitted to a rehab. After 4 days of lack of progress, My mom moved from a rehab physical rehab to a behavioral hospital for a geriatric psych evaluation and potentially finding different medicines that might work better for her.
I won’t share all of the details of the behavioral hospital, but it is depressing and it’s easy to second guess myself. I keep reminding myself that she is at the end of the road having lost 30 pounds from not eating and is down to 87 pound and not taking her medicines to keep her from having another stroke, anxious and delusional. I’m praying God will provide what she needs there quickly but gets her out of the hospital. Please pray for God to open doors for her and that I would have discernment as her POA /steward of her care.
In Christ, Craig
Let's pray for healing and treatment for all the people sick around the world. As the planet start renewing, may we stay grateful and patient during the quarantine, and closer to God in prayer not just for ourselves, but others. Showing compassion to the health staff in every place, let's pray for them in this hard moments. My son works in maintenance keep cleaning the floor, linen, contaminated and regular trash so pray for protection for him and everyone else working on the front lines. To God be the glory.
I will be finishing up my Bachelor's Degree soon and COVID-19 is making my job search for a full-time position even more challenging and uncertain than usual. Many companies are firing employees due to the virus and lack of business rather than hiring. Please pray that I will secure a full-time job in the coming months. Thank you and God bless!
In November I asked for prayers for my husband. He had told me he lost faith and I’ve prayed and prayed. Today I sent him a bible study to do with me and he said yes! All the days and nights praying, all the times I felt alone in faith, all lead me back here. Where I am overwhelmed with love and extra prayer warriors. Thank you everyone for praying for him. Please continue to do so. baby steps still carry you forward never ever forget that!
I would like to ask for prayers. I have been laid off from work due to COVID 19. Our employer told us hopefully we would get our jobs back after this crisis and we were told after 90 days. I am still uncertain if that is true. I am still am needing unemployment pay since I have been unemployed for almost a month now. I pray that the good Lord would provide me a good job that is stable with good pay and benefits and supporting manager. I hope I will be able to find a job that is beneficial for me through God's will.
Dearest Lord,
Please help my brother, a nurse, who contacted COVID19. He cannot breathe and is coughing blood. I pray for healing and strength. Please equip the doctors and medical professionals to help him and get the necessary medications for him to get better from this virus. I pray, please Lord Jesus, please have mercy and take care of my brother. I pray please Lord heal us and be our refuge because we hold on to you in this time of crisis. This I pray for in the name of Jesus Our Lord and Savior.
We would like to ask for prayer today and this week for our bus drivers, aides, technicians and cafeteria workers. We start delivering meals on our 30 regular bus routes this morning at 10. We have never done this before and some of our employees are going to be out of their comfort zone today so please pray for patience, confidence, teamwork, grace and mercy. We have some of the best employees in the state who will be preparing and delivering lunches today for the children of our community. Thank you for all you do for our community and the families of our district. Have a great day and God Bless!
I am really struggle with being at home with no human interaction due to the Covid 19 threat. Two years ago, I found myself in a behavioral hospital due to depression and suicidal thoughts. During my stay, I recognized the importance of connection to my mental health. When I got out, I got involved with several groups and made a very deliberate effort to develop friendships. A few months ago, I lost my job. Unable to find another one, I started volunteering working with the public which ended a couple weeks ago with CoVid19. One by one groups began canceling, and activities were halted. Social distancing became the new norm. And, I am alone again. I go to the stores, staying at a safe distance, just to hear human voices. I feel the depression creeping back in. I don’t want to go there again.
After being unemployed since November, my husband starts a full time job next week. I know this time has been challenging for everyone, but God is still working, He is still good and His people are still loving others because of Him! We received an anonymous check to help us make it until next week. God is still in charge. His love will never fail or leave! Praise Him!
My sister has an autoimmune disease called prophyria, that makes it so she can't go in the sunlight without being in extreme pain. Her doctor ordered her to quarantine as it could gravely affect her if she caught the coronavirus in conjunction with her disease. Pray for her safety, her mental health in isolation, and her faith through this time.