Pray for myself and my boyfriend. We are beginning to talk about marriage, and we pray for wisdom, patience, and God's timing. Also, pray for my kids (2) and his (1) as we talk about blending our families together in the future. Pray that God will fill us with love, grace, and patience.
Please pray for our impending adoption. We are about four weeks from the expectant mom’s due date and we are constantly praying for peace and grace and healing through the grief for both her and our family as we all start this journey together. We love the expecting mama with all of our hearts, not just for what she is about to do but for her courage, spirit, tenacity, and kindness. Pray God will be with her as she makes this decision.
This is a testimony and a prayer request. Sunday I took my dad to the emergency room and they life flight him to Washington Regional and did emergency surgery. He had an infection throughout his body. They were not sure he was going to make it. Today he is responding to everyone. It will be a long recovery, but I know God has his hand on him and will be with us through this rough road ahead. I know if it wasn’t for God my dad wouldn’t be here today. I have learned to cherish every moment because your loved ones are here today but may not be tomorrow. I am just asking for prayer to keep him lifted up and a good recovery. I know through Christ all things are possible.