
Thyroid Surgery

Posted by Anonymous

I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow to  have my thyroid removed. I haven’t felt well in a year. I need to be Covid-19 tested but they didn’t contact me last week until after 5 pm on Friday. Now, they are saying I can’t get it done in time for surgery. Please pray that something can be figured out. They were going to contact the surgeon and see what he says. I am waiting for a return call. God bless this station and all who listen. Thank you for praying.

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Need God's Help

Posted by Anonymous

I met a man six years ago and moved in with him. I'm upset with myself for doing it because I know God's Word on this subject. I finally found my voice and told the man I was moving out. At first I was supposed to move to Arizona to live with my mom, but she decided it wasn't a good idea. I put a deposit down on an apartment only to find out that the people are keeping their apartments and it's going to be awhile before anything opens up. I pray for guidance and clarity because I feel lost.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

So many overwhelming things are going on right now. I have a friend having COVID symptoms, a few friends struggling with depression, concerns about my work, and the list could go on.  God is so faithful, and good, and I’m so grateful to have Him to turn to.... but sometimes it’s hard to let Him lift the burden. That’s where I am today.

I am so grateful to KLRC. Y’all have continued to preach hope, in the midst of fear, turmoil and hate. Y’all are a blessing!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband and I have some big decisions to make concerning his health and place of employment. Pray that we make the best choices for our family. These health issues also have my husband feeling a little down and worried. Please pray that God will bring him peace, comfort and healing.

I’m Praying for This

Anxiety and Healing

Posted by Anonymous

I am having a pretty intense surgery in a few weeks. I suffer from PTSD and panic attacks after a previous surgery went wrong. I have since learned I have a bleeding disorder. I am terrified of something happening during my surgery. I do not want to leave my two young girls motherless. Please pray for my peace, restoration physically and mentally, for the surgeon and his team. I have a history of allergic reactions to SO many things. I'd also like prayers that I will not have any side effects.

Also, my mom just finished chemo last week, and I'd like prayers for her to be cancer free.

My brother is an addict and suffers with depression. Please pray for his salvation and deliverance from his strongholds.

I’m Praying for This

Healing for Granny

Posted by Anonymous

My grandmother and grandfather in the middle of this pandemic have had to search for a new place to live.  During a viewing of a house, my grandmother fell and has broken her finger and knee cap. Now she is having to go into the hospital for checkups on her progress and it looks like she will have to have at least one surgery. I ask that you pray with me for healing and protection for Granny.

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Son's Doubt

Posted by Anonymous

My son is struggling in his faith. I ask for wisdom and encouragement for him.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have recently separated from my spouse and I believe it's not for the best that we stay apart. Please pray for me and my family.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband started drinking again and now I'm looking for a place to live. This has been an ongoing struggle. He's done rehab and CR and nothing seems to help. I pray God will heal my spouse and provide affordable shelter for me and peace. Amen.

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Thank you for Praying

Posted by Anonymous

Thank you for your prayers.  My daughter and I are negative for COVID,  Pray that my daughter can go back to work this week.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I am in therapy for this huge depression I am experiencing.  It's ruined my friendships at my work place and now I am unhappy at home. It just seems never ending. I thought I could talk with a friend on our feelings but she snapped at me. I am not sure what to do. I just want to get in a happy place in my life but everything seems to keep falling apart on me. I just want this funk to end and my relationships with my coworkers and my friends to feel normal again.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please add your prayers to mine. I am overwhelmingly sad and I can't seem to shake it.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have a situation that arose at work in which I need God to intervene immediately. My last day of work is in 12 days and I will be seeking employment and know God will provide. I need peace and reassurance that He is a faithful God even when we do stupid things. I need an answer on an immediate situation.

I’m Praying for This

Testing for COVID

Posted by Anonymous

My daughter and I learned yesterday that we were around someone who tested positive for COVID. We need to be tested today. Praying we are negative so we can get back to work

I’m Praying for This

A Friend

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my friend, Jennifer, pray for peace in her heart , purpose, and happiness.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray God greatly delivers my brother from the shackles of sin and blesses Him to live for Jesus. Please pray for God's peace to our family. Thank you and God bless you.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer 2 days ago. It has spread all over her body. She is now on hospice in the hospital, because she is not able to make the trip home. Please pray for a peaceful rest of her journey. And for our family. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for an unspoken request for my friend and myself. Thank you

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

A very good friend is waiting on a job opportunity. Chris has lost his wife (a few years ago) he recently sold his house to move out of state, but Covid has changed that. So, he's up in the air with his home, his job and a possible new relationship. He needs a fresh start with this new opportunity for a job in Fayetteville. I am praying God's will and security for my sweet new friend. Thank you and I'm praising God for what we cannot see.

I’m Praying for This

Foster baby

Posted by Nicole

Nine months ago our first baby we had for 14 months was placed back with his mom. Late Tuesday night he was returned to our home. They said there might be a family member wanting to take him next month. Please be praying that he will get to stay with us. He knows us as mommy and daddy. We had him since he was 2 days old. Please pray for guidance when the decision is made where this sweet baby will get to spend his life.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Jonathan

After just losing an unborn baby we just found out another of my children has lymphoma. If this community could please add my son to your prayers it would be much appreciated.

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Daughter - Granddaughter

Posted by Jan

Oct 2019 I had a heart attack, & triple bypass surgery. In Feb of this year, my daughter was rushed to hospital - had a 20-hour surgery due to a mucinous tumor that burst in her abdomen. She's on chemo now & has been in and out of hospital since. My grand-daughter celebrated her 18th birthday at her mother's bedside. Now she can only drop her off at the ER and wait for a call. My granddaughter  is a HS graduate - so no prom, but will have grad in June. She planned to come here to stay with us in Gravette so she could attend college in the fall.  She is a sweet, spiritual girl who is her mother's primary care giver. We are all struggling during this COVID-19 … and my granddaughter  has a lot on her small shoulders. My daughter, fears that she will be leaving her daughter sooner than later.

I’m Praying for This

Hearing the Lord

Posted by Ashur

I just having a hard time hearing the Lord and doing His will. I just need some direction

I’m Praying for This

Sick baby

Posted by Tabitha

Please pray for my baby girl. She's 5 months old and is so sick. She's blind, potentially deaf, sleeps most of the day, and is having seizures every hour to hour and a half. She's oxygen dependent. Getting her help is a slow, painful process. Her doctors aren't sure where to start. My baby is suffering. My entire family is suffering, including her other five siblings. I feel so helpless. I don't know what to do. I feel like a failure because I can't make this better. Please pray for her healing and for guidance for her doctors. I am so heartbroken.

I’m Praying for This

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