4799 George Anderson Road, Springdale
Mission: We are a God-centered organization committed to helping end the plight of poverty in Northwest Arkansas. We are committed to building relationships with the communities affected by poverty, including but not limited to the homeless, low income, single parent families (young and old), the elderly, veterans, those struggling with drug and or alcohol abuse, at risk youth and many more situations.
Vision: To help meet the physical and spiritual needs of our friends in need, including food, clothing, and basic hygiene items.
About: NWA Hope Center was founded in 2010 by Everett W. Coonfield II. At one time in his life he found himself living underneath a park bench. Everetts desire is for everyone to know that there is a way out of poverty. It takes a lot of hard work, but with Christ as the leader, there is strength.
Outreaches: Outreaches are the 4th Saturday of the month, held at Fayetteville Walker Park at 11am.
On-Call: Everett and his wife Amy are on call 24/7 to help people with food and/or clothing that is donated.
Springdale First: A partnership with Springdale First Assembly of God.
Three Bags in Two Days: We regularly partner with this dynamic group of young ladies who are armed for the fight against poverty.
Volunteer Opportunities: While were always in need of life-essential items like food and clothing, please visit our website to find what we are currently in particular need of. If you would like to donate, please email NWA Hope Center at [email protected] to coordinate the drop off.
NWA Hope Center is an official 301c3 business. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like to donate to our organization, please visit the website and use the safe and secure Paypal donate button.
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