Join Andrea on Sunday Morning Worship from 7am-12pm on KLRC. With a huge heart for believing anyone can be a disciple-maker for Jesus, Andrea will sprinkle in hope, encouragement, and reminders of who Jesus says you are as you prepare for a new week. Focusing on Scripture and a variety of worship songs, get ready to feel the positive difference that only Jesus can provide!
Growing up most of her life in NW Arkansas, Andrea is a Siloam Springs native and a KLRC fan for years. After graduating from JBU with a photography degree, she volunteered with KLRC for years and eventually started hosting Sunday Morning Worship, then officially joining the team in 2023. She serves KLRC part-time by being on-air, helping with video projects, and managing their social media. She and her husband spend the rest of their time coaching disciple makers, traveling often to the Sahel region of Africa to encourage local believers. She can often be found on any hike with a view, cross-stitching while watching a good TV show, or with a camera in hand taking photos of friends.