What is essential?
That’s a question we’ve been collectively wrestling with in 2020. We’ve learned there are things we can do without, and things we need more than ever. Things like connection, hope, and encouragement.
That’s what Jerri needs in the middle of a long shift in the Covid-19 Unit at Mercy Hospital. And that’s exactly what she finds when she turns on KLRC: hope and encouragement in every song and story. She also experienced a personal connection with Lauren, who oversees promotions here at KLRC. Jerri’s unit at Mercy was chosen as the KLRC Office of the Week, and Lauren called to give her the good news. As they talked, Jerri shared her heart, and Lauren later shared with the team:
“She loves KLRC and it means so much to her. I told her how much we appreciate her and her team. She asked that we pray for them, as their work can be hard sometimes. I asked if I could pray for her right then on the phone and she said yes and ended up in tears. She thanked us for our prayers and said that it means a lot.”
Connection. Hope. Encouragement. These are the essential things we all need right now to keep loving each other well.
You know what else is essential? YOU ARE! It is only through your gifts and prayers that we’re able to share the hope of Jesus – the essentials – when people need it the most.
On October 13th-15th, you’re invited to help celebrate even more stories of hope during the KLRC Fall Fundraiser. I’m excited to tell you that because of the generous response this year, only 34% of our annual operational need remains. Would you consider taking a moment right now to make a special gift through KLRC? Jerri is just one example of how God can use one person (you!), plus one uplifting song or one encouraging conversation to give hope to one heart at a time!