My son’s birthday is this week. He’s in his twenties now so gifts aren’t usually a surprise anymore. This year I got sent a link to the exact pair of sneakers he wanted for his birthday. I don’t know if you’ve spent time looking at sneaker prices lately, but they’re not cheap. Still, I placed the order. Because once a year my son gets to pick out whatever pair of shoes he wants.
There are other shoes that are bought throughout the year. The dress shoes, the cheap tennis shoes to do yard work in, a slip on to wear to the pool. But birthday shoes are different. Birthday shoes don’t serve a purpose. Birthday shoes are purchased because those are the shoes he thinks look cool.
I think it’s interesting that Jesus told His disciples in that His Father likes to give His kids good gifts. Other places throughout scripture we find reminders that God will supply our every need, that He will feed and clothe us. That we can trust in Him to provide during famine and seasons of lack. But gifts? Gifts are frivolous, unnecessary, extra.
And yet, Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:11 “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!”
Matthew Henry says of this verse:
God has put into the hearts of parents a compassionate inclination to help and supply their children according to their need. God compares His concern for His people to that of a father for His children, nay, to that of a mother, which is usually more tender. But here it is supposed, that His love, and tenderness, and goodness, far excel that of any earthly parent. Our earthly fathers have taken care of us; we have taken care of our children; much more will God take care of His.
So, does that mean God is up in heaven with a brand new car waiting to drop it in your driveway? Probably not, but it does mean that He cares about us deeply and with tenderness. He doesn’t take care of us out of obligation, but out of love. And that love often shows up in some pretty generous ways.
Do I need to spend $100 on a new pair of kicks for my son? No. But I want to. Because I love him.
This week I'm asking God to help me notice His good gifts. Care to join me?