There’s something I find myself craving these days… certainty. Don’t you? Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how the school year is going to go? To know for sure if my friend will find a job? Will there even be a football season? Will this virus ever end? What will “normal” look like? So many questions…
When my friend Rob was recently sharing something from the book of Philippians with me, the world “certain” jumped out to me… finally something I can count on! In his letter, the Apostle Paul says:
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
Philippians 1:6
Amidst all the uncertainty in our lives, this is something we can count on. God has a plan. A plan that He has been unfolding long before we could even imagine. God’s plan is to do a good work WITHIN us… no matter what happens around us! As Pastor Louis Giglio says, “Instead of focusing on getting out of the storm, ask God if He is finished with what he wants to do in the Storm.”
I don’t pretend to know why or what all God is up to during all this crazy season, but I am absolutely certain of this… He’s doing a good work within you and me… I’m certain of it. He’s a God we can depend on.