So Much Hope
Posted by BJ • October 8, 2024
Posted by BJ • October 8, 2024
My children and I recently moved to NWA from out of state. I am a single dad that has my kids full time. One of my children is special needs; he's non-verbal and non-ambulatory. I've been battling leukemia since 2017 and as neonatal ICU nurse, some days at work are very challenging. No matter what I am facing or going through, the message the music conveys is always encouraging and offers me hope. No matter what anyone is facing, because I know my situation isn't unique as we all have battles we face, the hope in Christ is refreshing. Nowhere in scripture does it say our lives as Christians will ever be easy. Jesus himself suffered while He was here on Earth. The hope lies in those who believe in Him will one day be made new. I will be cancer free, my son will speak and walk without assistance. Not because of anything any of us have done, but because of what Christ did for us. I often wonder how many people who are hiding in the metaphorical shadows of life listen to KLRC and this is the only encounter with Christ they have. Having a station like KLRC offering so much hope to people like myself and to anyone who listens fighting their own battles is why I have chosen to give this morning.