Please pray for our power to come back on as soon as possible after the damage we experienced in the tornado. My husband is on oxygen. I'm praying we have enough tanks to last until the power is restored. Right now it's good thanks to a friend that brought us a generator.
Prayers appreciated as we move to Uganda in a couple of months for the last stage of our ministry for me (Tammie)to join the staff of a very young Christian University while my husband (Brad) continues working in Bible translation with a 95% Muslim group in Tanzania and also as a translation consultant in other translation projects in E Africa.
My husband and I are currently looking for marriage counseling. It’s very overwhelming with all the options. Money is also a big issue. So just finding something that works for us has been a challenge. We are currently living separately and desperately need Jesus to step in and turn things around. Thank you for any prayers. God bless.
I am in need of losing fifteen pounds. This is for my health, as my BMI is in the overweight category. Also, the majority of the clothes in my closet don’t fit, and I can’t afford to alter them of buy new. I am taking on a new way of life by exercising two times daily, planning my meals, making sure to get at least seven hours of sleep at night, and walking at least 6,000 steps each day (working up to my goal of 10,000 per day). I have an accountability partner, but I sure could use some prayers, too, please.
I am currently going through something and I am not sure how it will be handled. Please pray for for protection for myself and my staff. Also for a peace of mind and for God to take hold of the situation and all of us involved. I haven't had peace in two days and fear is currently ruling my life.
I’m asking for prayer for my friend in California. Her son is a juvenile that recently took her car without permission and he had a hit and run. He’s now in juvenile hall and has court tomorrow. She’s really worried and scared. She told me she feels like she’s a bad mother and she failed. I told her no it’s not you, he knows what is right, but you gotta pray for him and lift him up to God. I’m asking for prayer from others because I know the power of prayer is so strong. So if you would, please pray for her and her son.
Thank you KLRC, you’re my favorite radio station. I listen to you every day, and you lift my spirit and give me hope in my time of need. I especially love to turn up when I’m going down the road so that everyone can hear. I’m so proud of what the Lord has one in my life and many others. It’s just a matter of everyone opening their eyes... sometimes when it’s hard to see, God is always there.
My brother Charles was in a serious car accident over the weekend and had to be cut out of the vehicle and life-flighted to Springfield with a broken pelvis, knees, and wrists, as well as internal injuries. He has already gone through one surgery and will have more. He won’t be able to walk for three months, so all the prayer he can get will help.
I am 22 years old just finishing my freshman year in college. I have worn glasses since I was four years old, and I’ve always struggled with vision. Earlier this year, my uncle offered to pay for me to have LASIK surgery. I was beyond excited, but then I had complications. I’ve had four different procedures, and am still awaiting more. I am without glasses, unable to see, and waiting and hoping that they can correct my eyesight. Thankfully God has been with me and getting me through my schoolwork, but I still am in the unknown of when or if I will ever be able to see or what they can do to help me. If you could, please pray for 20/20 vision and also just to strengthen my faith and hope during this time.
Please pray for a good friend of mine who is going through marriage problems. His wife is set to move out any day now, and take their two young children with her. I don't know the details because they are a very private family, but I do know personally what it's like to go through this kind of situation. It hurts more than you can imagine. It's hard on everyone involved. Please keep in prayer my good friend and his family. God has the power to restore, but it's going to take two to even want to explore that possibility.
Candy was informed yesterday her treatment she has been receiving did not take. So she was told she only has 6 months to live. Candy is such a humble, god, loving wife and mother to 5 amazing lovely young girls. I’m asking for all prayer warriors to pray God heals her unconditionally.