I woke up this morning needing to feel closer to God. I have been feeling like a failure to my daughter and family. Needless to say, we are in need of miraculous financial blessing and for guidance for what to do. I know God provides and He will, but need a boost in my faith
Please pray for our 45 year marriage. My wife has lost her trust and faith in me because of some things I have done and said to her. I have been unfaithful and disloyal to her. I have repented and asked for her forgiveness. Her hurts are still there and she has lost her love for me. We need God's help to restore and heal our marriage, We both need to draw closer to God.
The Spirit placed something on my heart 12 years ago - to minister to college students. The timing is now right! I am stepping out of my old job/career and placing myself in God's hands to lead me to a ministry opportunity where He can use my gifts and my passion to serve young people.
My family and I would like to request prayer in regards to a new career direction. More importantly, pray for a godly awakening for the spiritual leaders of our home church and the denomination as a whole.
God bless KLRC, its influence in our community and its ministry. KLRC is a great comfort and place of refuge for us as a family. We will pray for KLRC as well, as it begins Sharathon. May God bless and widen this wonderful ministry.
I have three blood clots that have the doctors concerned. I am on blood thinners to dissolve the clots and we are hopeful the issue will be resolved in 3-6 weeks. But there is a hematologist appointment today where I will learn more about what caused the clots. I know the situation is in God's hands and He is the Great Physician. I am praying for healing, for confidence to remember He is in control, and strength to walk through whatever He has for me.
I am aware of a church needing a pastor. I have no experience in this area, but have spoken at this church a few times. The people there would like to submit my name as a candidate for pastor. I am asking for clear guidance and wisdom if this is God's will, and if it is, that God would equip me to do this ministry well.