My family and I would like to request prayer in regards to a new career direction. More importantly, pray for a godly awakening for the spiritual leaders of our home church and the denomination as a whole.
God bless KLRC, its influence in our community and its ministry. KLRC is a great comfort and place of refuge for us as a family. We will pray for KLRC as well, as it begins Sharathon. May God bless and widen this wonderful ministry.
I have three blood clots that have the doctors concerned. I am on blood thinners to dissolve the clots and we are hopeful the issue will be resolved in 3-6 weeks. But there is a hematologist appointment today where I will learn more about what caused the clots. I know the situation is in God's hands and He is the Great Physician. I am praying for healing, for confidence to remember He is in control, and strength to walk through whatever He has for me.
I am aware of a church needing a pastor. I have no experience in this area, but have spoken at this church a few times. The people there would like to submit my name as a candidate for pastor. I am asking for clear guidance and wisdom if this is God's will, and if it is, that God would equip me to do this ministry well.
My son is a high school student at Harber. He and friends have asked for permission and received it to hold a time of prayer at the center of the school this Wednesday during the "walk out" protest that is planned. Pray that this would be a positive influence, and that John Mark would be equipped for these leadership opportunities.
I need prayer, please. My husband left me this weekend. I had no idea he was so unhappy. He never told me. We talked today and he has agreed to go to marriage counseling with me this week. I'm afraid to get my hopes up that counseling will be enough, but I also don't want to give up on my marriage. We still love each other, but we have serious communication issues.
I am also struggling so much being left alone in our home after so many years together. Everything reminds me of us and I can't stop crying. I am afraid of the future now, which is not like me. I don't know if my future will be alone and sad or if there are happier times ahead in God's plan for my life. Trust in God is what I want and need, I'm just really struggling due to all of this pain and feelings of abandonment. Please pray for me, I need peace and strength and guidance so badly. I also need healing for health issues that I have been struggling with.
Thank you.