
Prayers For Friend, Brandon

Posted by Tori

Please pray for my friend Brandon. He is in Minnesota Mayo Hospital. He needs prayer for encouragement, healing from pain, and healing from Crohn's. He had heart surgery when he was only nine years old and is an encouragement to me. He is taking tests in the Hospital all this week.  Please pray for him. Thank you for his healing in Jesus' name. I know He is doing more than we can see.

I’m Praying for This

Liver Transplant For Sister-in-law

Posted by Gwen Morgan

My sister-in-law needs a miracle from God.  She needs a liver transplant. She is very ill. I have stomach flu, and need a touch from God.

I’m Praying for This

Financial Needs

Posted by H

I am asking for prayers. Most specifically for money. My family has had some difficult times this year. We have had to fix both cars several times, my daughter has needed surgery, and now I have to have surgery. My husband needs a new car. I think prayers and duct tape are all that is holding his current one together. We don't have the funds for any of the above. I ask that you pray for us. Thank you and God bless.

I’m Praying for This

Trusting in God

Posted by Anonymous

I recently lost my job and have been trying to trust and listen for God’s plan. This has also been hard on my marriage. Please pray for my husband's heart towards me and this situation.  Pray that  I am able to discern where God wants me.

I’m Praying for This

Husband's Job

Posted by Wendy

My prayer request is for my husband. He recently applied and interviewed for a position at the Bentonville Police Department. I know my husband would be a great fit for this city and this department. I would just like help praying that everything continues to go well and that they give him the call back for the official job!

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Posted by Patsy Ford

Pray for my surgery Tuesday March 13 at 10 am

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Prayers Appreciated

Posted by Shelly Tennison

Pray for all my children, but especially my son Levi. Thank you so much!

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Tough Day

Posted by Frank

Please pray for my strength, patience and wisdom today. My house was hit by a truck during a recent ice storm. I am having to relocate contents while repairs are made.

I’m Praying for This

Undergoing Chemo

Posted by Anonymous

I am undergoing chemo for pancreatic cancer and I would like for you to pray with me for all of those undergoing treatment at Highland's. I would also like prayer for those who work there, because they are amazing! Please pray for healing.

I’m Praying for This

Family Needs Prayer

Posted by Anonymous

I would like prayer for my grown children who are both single. They have always prayed that some day Jesus would bring them who they need. My husband seems to know Jesus but doesn't take me to church, which we both need so desperately. I am just waiting on the Father and appreciate the prayers of others.   God bless KLRC and all the staff.

I’m Praying for This

Missing My Grandpa

Posted by Courtney

My grandpa Frank went to his Eternal Home last Thursday afternoon (March 8th, 2018). He was such a wonderful man who attended every family function, graduation, band concert, wedding, and so much more. Before he passed he had been in the hospital at least four times just this year due to heart attacks, pneumonia, the flu, and a bleeding ulcer. I thank the Lord that he is not in pain anymore, but it still hurts to know he will no longer be able to attend any family events in the future. Please be in prayer for my entire family. This week is going to be rough.

I’m Praying for This

Prayers for Upcoming Changes

Posted by Anonymous

Please keep our family in prayer. We have a lot of changes coming up. All good in our opinion, but still big changes. My husband is starting a new job which will give us more time together.  We have twin grandson's coming in May or sooner along with our 15-month-old grandson, whom we love with all our hearts. Pray regarding the financial aspect of the new job specifically. We are excited to have more time together and to be able to be the grandparents we truly want to be, but it will be a new normal for us as we haven't had this extra time in about 12 years. KLRC really helps keep us grounded and calm. Thank you for your ministry.

I’m Praying for This

Job Loss

Posted by Kim

My husband lost his job 15 months ago with the company he had been with for 16 years. He has not been able to find steady employment within his field since then. This has put a lot of stress in both our finances and marriage.  Pray that God will open that employment door for him.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I would like prayers for guidance in my life. I know the Lord as my Savior and am forever grateful for that, but I am struggling. Ever since one of my very close friend's passed away almost 2 years ago I have been struggling with my walk. I have been bitter and just don't feel like God is there for me. I am also having a really hard time with the deep desire of my heart to have a husband and family of my own.  I feel like my heart has been hardened and I don't want to live like that anymore. I also need guidance as to what to do with my life in general. Currently I'm at a job that doesn't make me feel like I am fulfilling my purpose, nor God's. I want to be able to live where I can experience God and love what I do rather than feel like I am not needed.  Thank you for your prayers as they are very much appreciated!

I’m Praying for This

Husband's Salvation

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my husband's salvation.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My best friend is struggling after a miscarriage and her heart is broken. Prayers please for a healed heart and a lifting of her spirit. Also, she is a wonderful mother to a darling girl and sweet little boy with autism. Pray for her and her husband to be refreshed in their faith.

I’m Praying for This

Life Is Too Hard

Posted by Anonymous

My car is falling apart. I don't have the means to fix it or the credit to get another.  I live with my inlaws and it is killing my spirit. I can feel myself getting more and more unhappy, but I can't afford to move out. We are stuck. There are days that I don't WANT to believe anymore, because I feel like "How can a God that loves me so much, allow me to be so miserable?"  But I know that somehow, in the end, it will all work out. I just don't see how. Please pray for me.

I’m Praying for This

Next Steps

Posted by Anonymous

I really need God's guidance and wisdom. I'm not sure what my next step should be. I'm at a crossroad and not sure which direction to choose. I want to follow God's will and His path for my life, but I'm filled with so much doubt and worry. Prayer for a feeling of peace, please.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Sherry

My daughter and son-in-law wanted to have children but couldn't. They had exhausted all medical possibilities. They continued to pray and ask God for a miracle for four years. My daughter gave birth to their first child yesterday! Landon is his name and he was born healthy. I am so thankful and wanted others to be encouraged with this answered prayer.

I’m Praying for This

Daughter's Healing

Posted by Karen

My daughter Nicole has been unable to get pregnant and was just diagnosed with PCOS. She's trying to change her diet and lifestyle to heal from this disease and be able to have a child. Please pray for healing and that she will continue to trust the Lord.

I’m Praying for This

Veteran Needs Prayers

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my brother who recently returned from his seventh deployment and is retiring. He has recently received the news that he is suffering from head trauma from numerous concussions. Ray has served our country selflessly. Pray for him over the next few months as this will be very difficult on him and his family

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Lisa

Please pray with my husband and me that God will provide the right job for him. He is facing a lay-off in a few weeks, and at 53 years old, he is feeling a bit desperate. God has been so faithful to us throughout the years, and we know He will not forsake us now. But still, it is a scary situation. So far he has had very few job leads and has even been rejected for one that he interviewed for.

I’m Praying for This

Missing Boy in Cave Springs

Posted by Deniis

I am asking prayer after being visited by local police last night who were searching the area for a missing 9-year-old boy. It does not appear to be an abduction, but he does come from a difficult family situation. Pray for local police as they work to find this boy soon.

I’m Praying for This

Travels, Children, and Marriage

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for me as I travel next week for the first time. I'm anxious about being away from my family and out of the comfort zone of daily life that I am used to. Pray the Lord speaks to me while I travel. Also, pray for my 19-year-old son as he transitions into adulthood. I pray he waits on God for all things including his future wife. Please pray for my marriage. I deeply desire a closer and healthy marriage with my husband after some years of struggle.

I’m Praying for This

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