Update on our nephew Scott. He was diagnosed with cancer in the brain and his spine. Cancer is also in his stomach and liver. They started radiation immediately. He is at CTAC in Tulsa, Ok. Pray for doctors, techs, and nurses who may be Christians to share the gospel with Scott and his wife Ronni.
My father was injured in an ATV accident last Saturday in Knoxville, TN. His 4-wheeler flipped 6 times and he landed face down, which caused the helmet to cut off his airway. He was rushed to the hospital with 5 broken ribs, a broken clavicle, and a broken scapula but luckily no head injuries. I spent the week helping him after he was released from the hospital. It was so encouraging to get texts and calls from co-workers saying they had mentioned my dad at their youth group or Bible Study group and how many people were lifting my dad up in their prayers. He has a long road of recovery ahead of him, but I know with enough prayer, anything is possible!