
Kidney Failure

Posted by Brad

Please pray for me as I am in ESRD, which means my kidneys are failing. I have been to 2 different transplant hospitals to do testing to see if they would put me in front of a committee to have them agree to do a kidney transplant to get me out of dialysis and back to a somewhat normal life. I am also trying to get under a BMI limit of 30 so I can also try to get a pancreas transplant to help me to no longer be a type 1 diabetic. I was just needing prayers to help me guide the right way to lose weight and get through everything and try to get the transplants to make me a new and better person.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by COURTNEY

Please pray that my hippocampi is healed. Pray that I am set free and break the trauma bond that I have been cycled in. Break the spirit of schizophrenia that is being caused by the trauma bond that I am in. Pray I am protected against the forces of evil that have come to steal, kill, and destroy my destiny. I do not accept the infirmity of Alzheimer's or dementia and I do not live in the fantasy of someone else's past. For whom the Son sets free, I am free indeed. Amen


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Posted by Anonymous

I am in the process of giving my notice at work. I started receiving widow's benefits and I am giving my trust in the Lord that all will be well. I have made the choice to retire a little early.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My daughter decided to leave her partner and dad of my grandkids after several years of mental abuse. Pray God gives her strength to keep going and for the children during this time.  Please pray that I have words of wisdom to encourage her and that I remember God is with her and in control.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

There is an amazing person I know named Tay. She lives several states away and the living conditions she lives in are not great, and they do not help with her medical conditions. Please keep hearing in your prayers for her. And that one day Jesus will provide a way out of the living situation she is in so she can heal.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I am going through a very painful toothache right now. Pray for healing and comfort.

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Strength for my Daughter

Posted by Crystal

Update for Several Prayer Request that has come into the KLRC Prayer Center.  

My daughter was in an auto accident just before Christmas. She lost her left leg. She is being released from rehab today. She is scared and has a long journey ahead of her with her three young children. Please help me pray that they have the strength to get through life change.  

I’m Praying for This

Grief and Finances

My friend, Cleveland, recently lost his daughter in a tragic shooting in Louisiana.  Cleveland moved here to seek employment after Hurricane Katrina.  Please pray that God will provide the finances to help cover the expenses that have unexpectedly occurred.  Also, pray for Cleveland as he is grieving this loss.  Thank you

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Phyllis

Update on Eagan
I have asked previously for prayer concerning Eagan a 13yr old young man with leukemia. He is having his bone marrow transplant today. Please be in prayer for the doctors and team of medical personnel that will be working with him and his donor. Pray for his mom that will be by his side and his family and their needs. We are grateful for the donor and pray God will bless her immeasurably.

Eagan is a 13 yr old boy fighting leukemia. He will start preparations on 1/16/24 for a bone marrow transplant. Please pray for ever aspect of the preparation, the donor, the medical team during this process to reach complete healing. The surgery will be 10-14 days after his admission on the 16th. He will be in the hospital at least another 100 days. Thank you for believing with us for Eagan and his family and the donor.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Tiffany

I have had several bad things happen to me recently, I am struggling and feel so broken right now. Life isn't fair and I'm drowning. Please pray for us all. We desperately need it. Please pray for healing for me and physical healing of my children.  We are leaning on our faith to see us through this but it's hard to trust the process.

I’m Praying for This

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Posted by David

Please say a prayer of Thanksgiving from the family of Gretchen.  Thank you for you caring for our precious daughter and family. Our strength comes from the Lord. See you on the other side. 

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My Sister and her daughter are going thru a bad time concerning an accident.  Please pray God will intervene in all things and they will get through. They are Christians and we need a lot of prayers. Thank You God Bless

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God's Will

Posted by Anonymous

I feel lost and know I could do so much for God. Please pray I do what God wants me to do. I want to be more charitable and outgoing.

I’m Praying for This

Ms. Gretchen's Family

Posted by Anonymous

Ms. Gretchen's family was so blessed by the support of the community with the recent Christmas Wish being granted.  Yesterday she lost her battle with cancer and is now directing the Angel Choir! Please continue to pray for her family as they navigate through this loss.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I ask for prayers for my mother. She was a teacher for almost 20 years and is in need of a job. I ask and pray for God’s guidance in her search, and that her ears and heart are open to God’s plans for her. I also pray to the Holy Spirit to help her friends and family support and encourage her, with the right words & actions, in whatever way she needs. Thank you all! God Bless!

I’m Praying for This

Healthy Pregnancy and Baby

Posted by Sheila

My youngest daughter who is in college (vocational/nursing school)found out that she is pregnant. She had Just returned to school after a needed break from it. She also has a lot of health issues and was told that she would most likely never become pregnant. So even though this was an unplanned pregnancy at a difficult time, she is very happy! But with her health issues, she is already having complications. She is predicted to be approximately only 10 weeks along. She needs prayer for a healthy pregnancy and baby!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Sheila

My brother needs prayers for healing. He had emergency surgery involving his colon. Thankfully all went well and nothing seems to be pre-cancerous as previously suspected. He needs prayers for pain tolerance and prayers for healing and recovery. His wife needs prayers for patience and comfort. They also need prayers over their finances since she was off work last month having her pacemaker replaced. Right now they are both temporarily off work. They have insurance, but very few sick leave days.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Sheila

Please be praying for safe travels and better weather for the ones on the cross-country journey that is raising awareness of the plight of the American Mustang.

I’m Praying for This

Breast Cancer

Posted by Anonymous

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and is having surgery on the 30th.  It is very early stage1,so it’s not severe. Please pray for everything to go smooth (no radiation or chemo therapy is required). Thank goodness.

I’m Praying for This

Peace, Strength and Encouragement

Posted by James

My wife and I are in need of prayers for peace, strength and encouragement. Anxiety, past hurts and offenses are continuing to weigh down on us. Please pray that we can hand over all concerns and issues to God. It does seem like the Devil continues to throw obstacles at us. Please pray that we can move forward. Thank you for offering this prayer center.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Betsy

My family is in need of a vehicle. When my husband passed away in September all our finances came to a halt. I am on disability and can’t afford anything on my fixed income. Thank you for your prayers

I’m Praying for This

Fall Injury

Posted by Karen

I injured my knee in a fall. Pain and mobility are my main issues right now. Please pray for healing and wisdom on best care.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My fiancé and I are having issues. We are both believers and love God very much, but we seem to be growing distance in the relationship. Prayer brought us back together. Please pray our thoughts and minds are more pure towards one another so we can serve God better and have a better relationship! 

I’m Praying for This

Young Father of 2 Battling CRPS

Posted by Chrysten

My brother was diagnosed with CRPS. CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) is a term used to describe excessive prolonged pain and inflammation that could be cause by previous trauma/injuries, or other events. So far, there is no known cure for CRPS except for pain maintenance. He's been approved to start treatments. Due to the rarity of the diagnosis of CRPS, insurance won't cover the cost. I'm posting this because I believe that through prayer and faith, this battle can be won. Please persistently keep him in your prayers. Thank you so much for this community!

I’m Praying for This

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