
Healing and Good Health

Posted by Anonymous

I can really use the prayers for full healing.  Please pray that it will not be anything of concern or serious that will require surgery.  I am a firm believe in the power of united prayers.

I’m Praying for This

A Way

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray that I will know that all will work out in the time frame, if this is the right time to move forward.  Prayers for God's guidance and protection from the forces around us trying to tear our family down.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Brandi

Lord protect Ashley while she's driving and everyone around her.  In the name of Jesus, keep Her calm and focused when driving, and let her drive better each day.

I’m Praying for This

Spiritual Growth

Posted by Anonymous

Pray my nephew and his wife grow spiritually. Also, pray they attend church every Sunday and their work schedules enable them to do so.

I’m Praying for This

New Day

Posted by David

Praise the name of the Lord Jesus this morning for waking me up and giving me a new day. Hallelujah

I’m Praying for This

Children loss their Mom

Posted by Autumn

My sister, Amber, has passed away due to cancer at the age of 30 she left five kids who need a lot of prayers. We are all in pain and miss her.  Pray for peace

I’m Praying for This

Surgery and Financial Difficulties

Posted by Anonymous

My children and I could use some prayers. I’m having some serious health issues.  It’s caused me to have to miss a lot of work and I just found out today I have to have surgery and will have to be off work for awhile. I am the provider for us.  I am very worried how we are going to make ends meet and keep the utilities on. We are already in desperate need of furniture, pray for God's provision.  I am trying to hold onto my faith in God and trust that he will provide during this trying time.

I’m Praying for This

Back Surgery

Posted by James

Dan is having major back surgery this Thursday.  He is in his 70's, please pray for his healing and also his wife and their families. Thank you 

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My stepson is suffering from mental health issues and has been admitted to a local facility for trying to and talking about suicide. My family desperately needs prayers for his healing and for strength.

I’m Praying for This

Healing from Addiction

Posted by Anonymous

My husband is an alcoholic. A very high functioning one.  He is never “drunk” and works a demanding full time job. He stopped drinking on his own and I was so proud and encouraged him then he slowly got back to the same point. I tried to approach the subject in a caring concerned way to which he sees as complaining and he gets angry with me and raises his voice to the point that I just stop talking. I’ve been praying for God to show him this is a problem so that he will seek help. My prayers are constant and have been for over a year. I believe God can heal him from this addiction but he has to be willing. Please pray with me that his heart will be touched by God and his eyes will be opened.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by BR

Please pray for my husband's health, specifically healing & protection of his skin, reproductive& urinary systems.  Thank You Father God.

I’m Praying for This

Friends Coming to Christ

Posted by Krystle

I have several friends that I’ve been praying over these past few months. Both far away from our Lord. Praying they find their way into God’s grace and mercy.  One of the three, I haven’t spoken to in a month. Our friendship appears to have ended over me taking my 9 year old sons side over hers. Her heart appears to be made of unbreakable stone. I pray that God removes this heart and gives her a new spirit and a new heart, made of flesh. For He can do the impossible.


I’m Praying for This

Overcome Cancer

Posted by Krystle

My uncle, Steve, is currently battling cancer and is currently undergoing treatments. He needs our prayers for healing, strength and recovery.


I’m Praying for This

Heath & Financial

Posted by Brandi

Please pray my husband, Mitch, is healed and receives a good report.  Pray the incident that is going on with him stops and never happens again.  Also, please pray we can get out of debt. Pray we can save enough money to go with family to Disneyland & have a good time.  Pray God restores health, joy, protection and prosperity to my family and that He delivers us all from every curse.  In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!!!   

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Cory

Lord, I pray that we don't spot our garments. May they be pure white. May we finish the course and be overcomers. May we as a church strive to please you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen.

I’m Praying for This

Untitled Blog Post

Posted by Paige

There is a boy at my school who an atheist and is always cussing God's name.  I asked him why he hated God and he told me that God killed his father.  He told me his dad committed suicide when he was 9 years old. I will be asking him about attending church and I pray that God helps me. 

I’m Praying for This

Positive Thoughts.

Posted by Anonymous

Pray I find encouragement, hope, and positive thoughts.  I am in a stage of my life where I feel discouraged by circumstances around me.  Specifically with finances, family, and health. The battle is not against flesh, but spiritual.  The past 5 years I have lost everything, but I am close to the Lord more than ever.  Just like Job, sometimes I feel weak and hopelessness. Pray for strength and assurance in God's will I will pray for you too.

I’m Praying for This

Life Changing

Posted by Cassandra

I need prayers I'm going through a lot right now

I’m Praying for This

New House

Posted by Anonymous

My family needs prayer for a new house and to be able to get our cars fixed.  

I’m Praying for This

Financial and Health Issues

Posted by Anonymous

My family is going through a lot.  I am so overwhelmed and we are losing our home and possibly our car.   I can't say what is going on, but it is really serious and I feel that it is worse than death. We have no place to go and I am on a fixed income. I will have no insurance and I have a lot of various health problems. I have nobody to to turn to and  I am alone in this with my two children. Please pray for financial guidance and lots of miracles.   

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Cory

Please lift up my friend,Troy. He needs God's strength to get through a trial.

I’m Praying for This

Marriage and Life

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my marriage and life in general.  My husband abuses drugs, but is on the road to recovery now. It has taken a toll on our marriage and we need prayer for our finances.  He hasn't worked in a while because of his addiction and  anxiety issues, but it is getting better.  We just need prayer and to get back to church and live for God again.

I’m Praying for This

Spiritual Attack

Posted by Terry

Please pray that the Lord would bless my family and my home. I feel like I have been under spiritual attack the past two months and am seeking as much prayer as possible. Thank you for praying.

I’m Praying for This

Need Jesus

Posted by Mónica

Please pray for my son whom and his citizenship interview next month, may God help him to have clear mind to answer the questions well and the officer approved his interview and paperwork.  Also, God provide and open doors to pay for our medical and hospital bills.  We trust he is our provider of our financial needs. You are my source of hope and renewal throughout the music and programs.  Pray for our son, he has AHDD and autistic and he works and live with me.   I lost my husband and I am a breast cancer survivor I believe God can help and care for us.To God be the glory.

I’m Praying for This

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