

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my family. I am facing divorce but I know God is in control but it is tough to not worry. I know she is a good woman and I'm hoping she will find what she is needing and we can build the marriage that God wants us to have. I know this time is very tough on our children so please pray for them. Thank You

I’m Praying for This

Be an Encouragement

Posted by Shirley

My friend, Steve, is going through some tough things right now. Please let everything from me be positive and nothing negative so that I would not want to add to his pain

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for Steven.  He has been addicted to pain pills for several years. He went to a clinic for a while, but he had to drop out of the program or lose his job. He dropped out. Now, several months later, he is trying to detox on his own. He is not saved. He says he will believe in God only if God shows him a miraculous sign or speaks to him. Please pray that he will get saved and that he will be able to detox and change his life.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I personally know 4 kids at my school, all boys. 1 of them is in serious pain. He is always being pushed around and being stuck with the kids that bully him. I am in 6th grade, and he is in 6th. He is shorter than everyone but is really big in personality. That is what inspired me to do this for him. He doesn't deserve for this to happen to him, after all nobody does. He is always being called names that he knows their parents would get onto them for. His dad is in the military, and he is always calling this kid, his kid, bad names. It hurts me that he hides it and acts nonchalant about it when I and my friends know it really hurts him. I want him to realize that God is there for him always, even when his family and friends aren't. And I'm sure God wants him to know this too. Please pray for his sticky situation and his need for love.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I really care about my mom and I want her to be able to relax more. She is always busy.  I know me venting to her and talking to her after school only stresses her out, even though she won't tell me that. I love this woman very much, because not only is she a wonderful person, she is my mom.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My mom always comes home in a bad mood and she yells at us.  Please pray.  

I’m Praying for This

My Family

Posted by Anonymous

My husband is an addict and he is now in jail.  I am financially unable to get him out, maybe this is God's way of getting him sober and showing him he needs to turn back to God.  I am so depressed I can't get out this funk, I miss him terribly, but he is not the same person I married.  The drugs have taken over his life and it is so sad, I pray that my boys and I will be financially and emotionally stable, it is a hard situation.  

I’m Praying for This

Broken Marriage

Posted by Anonymous

I am mentally and emotionally exhausted from my marriage.  My wife has met another man and they are now exclusive. Our divorce is not finalized.  I need prayers for strength to let her go. To know God has bigger better plans for me. To understand why this is happening. I need it to all be over and I find some stability again.

I’m Praying for This

Travel Plan

Posted by Brandi

Pray God blesses and protects us on our trip with family we hardly ever see. It seems things are trying to come against us, our daughter sprained her foot, one person cannot get off work, weather is bad, we feel cursed.  Pray God delivers us. Pray God breaks the curse. Pray God makes a way, pray God heals us.  Give us travel mercies, protection and good timing. Let us have fun together.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Karen

I need a job where the environment is not too stressful and the pay allows me to tithe and meet all of my obligations. I have been made an offer, then I counter offered and I am still waiting to hear from then. This has been an on going situation since I relocated.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Tab

My husband and I are under going fertility treatments right now. We had two failed cycles and losses last year. Please pray for our success in April and a beautiful baby for us to love on. Please.

I’m Praying for This

Son Astray

Posted by Anonymous

My son is in an abusive relationship with his non believing wife. He decided to stay in the marriage for his 3 small children. The wife uses the children as pawns. Rarely do we see the children and my son because of the consequences. My son has not replied to any texts sent to him. Please pray God will be merciful and keep him safe and show him that his family loves him and is ready to help him. He is not healthy.  I ask that God will renew him as he accepted Christ at a young age. Asking God to give me peace that my son is alive and okay. The unknown bothers me and I need peace.

I’m Praying for This

Aching Heart

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my husband that he would come to know Christ. Please pray for my son that he would overcome his addictions. I know these things will only be possible through the Spirit of Christ. I want to be strong, and be a good example for them, but my heart is aching for these men I love.

I’m Praying for This

Building Project

Posted by Monique

Please pray for the building that is being built that it will have no structural, electrical or plumbing issues.  Pray that is goes smoothly and safety to the workers and great neighbors. Prayers for my health issues to be resolved.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Judy

I need prayer for healing my left hip and back. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Loss of Teens

Posted by Anonymous

Katy and Lilly lost two of their friends in a car accident last Friday.  Also pray for the other four that were in the car that were injured.  Pray for everyone involved.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray that God can bring reconciliation to my relationship.  Pray we will be able to forgive one another and to have peace.   I come with a broken heart.  Please change our hearts and give us your grace.   Please give me help us overcome the bitterness. Teach me how to remain grateful, although this is the most difficult. teach me to love you more than anything. I really need a miracle, thank you.

I’m Praying for This

God's Will

Posted by Michael

I am in a new relationship. I have a rough past. I would like for prayer for our relationship to grow in the Lord. For us to follow the Lord's path. To put the Lord first in our relationship. To have the strength to withstand this storms the devil is casting our way. I want us to go about this the right way, through God our Savior and for his wisdom. I want us to continue to grow in God with our souls and our relationship. God bless and thank you for your prayers.

I’m Praying for This

Work and Health

Posted by Brandi

Please pray for Ashley and her job, that she will be able to be off of work to attend a family event.  Also, pray for her health, pray that her liver will be strong.  In Jesus Name, Amen



I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I have been struggling for several months. I have made some very bad decisions with money and almost lost my family.  Please pray for my family that this struggle is almost over. The money situation won't be over for a very long time, but I pray and believe that we are going to make it. I ask you in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you

I’m Praying for This

Comfort and Healing

Posted by Anonymous

Ms. Carrie and her husband Philip have experienced significant losses in recent months with multiple deaths in the family and are now fighting some health issues, including sickness of two daughters, Malia & Matia. Please pray for healing and comfort, and to feel God's strong arms of protection and provision. Thanks!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I am asking prayers for healing for Bill and Brock who are very ill. please pray for God to place mercy and healing on them.  Pray that they are filled with strength and endurance.  Thank you.  

I’m Praying for This

My Heart is Heavy

Posted by Anonymous

Prayers for my daughter who will be turning 15 today.  She has been dealing with some anxiety and cutting herself.  I would like prayers for my friend,Glenn, he doesn't think that God is real.  I would love to see God show him that he is very real. Please pray he has an encounter With Jesus. Also, I need prayers for myself. To keep seeking God and that he will show me the next direction for my life as a single mom. It is hard to know when I'm doing the right thing concerning my daughters. Please pray that the Lord will fill every void I feel in my heart. Also, help me get my finances in order. Thank you!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

By faith, I humbly hope, and sincerely pray.  Please remember Monroe in intercessory prayer, as he is currently seeking employment. Thank You, most glorious, omniscient God, for the specific job I truly believe by faith, that you have already prepared.  Respectfully, in Jesus Christ Amen

I’m Praying for This

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