
Battling Depression

Posted by Chris

I have been battling deep depression and I have so much stress right now. I have always turned to God, but recently I feel very alone and afraid.

Thank you for praying for me!

I’m Praying for This

Marital Issue

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my wife and me to work through a marital issue we are having.

I’m Praying for This

Brain and Heart Issues

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my health. I'm a 40-year-old female and have been having brain and heart issues. These have weighed on my mind and my heart as they cannot determine why.  I was healthy and normal just 2 1/2 years ago.

I’m Praying for This

Healing for Our Pastor

Posted by Evelyn

Please pray for our pastor. He has been having some health issues lately.

I’m Praying for This

Hard Emotions

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for me today. I have been getting irritable and frustrated easily.  My emotions are all over the place and I am not sure why. Also, please pray for my husband to have a deeper hunger to know the Lord and ears to hear and wisdom to understand.

I’m Praying for This

Protection for Grand Babies

Posted by Anonymous

Pray for a shield of protection and for safety for my grand babies. 

I’m Praying for This

Our Son

Posted by Maryann

Our son has been really struggling. He tries to stay positive most of the time but he is still having a lot of emotional torment. He loves God with his whole heart and soul. He is very involved in church.  I love him so much and he has helped me through so many hard times. We are trying to raise the money for a step-parent adoption, but it's not been going so well. All he wants is to share the same last name. If you could pray for strength for his soul and his life, it would be appreciated.

I’m Praying for This

Friend's Family

Posted by Brittany

Please pray for the family of my best friend.  He passed January 1. 

I’m Praying for This

Eating Disorder Recovery

Posted by Anonymous

I’m a single mom and have been struggling with an eating disorder for the past nine years. I want to be recovered.  I have tried so many avenues (medication, therapy, etc). I am a Christian and pray about it every day, but I’m not able to do it on my own. Prayers are much appreciated

I’m Praying for This

Financial Situation

Posted by Amanda

Please pray for my financial situation so that I will get out of the little debt I am in and back on my feet to save for my future. Thank you for your prayers.

I’m Praying for This

Facing Adversity

Posted by Anonymous

We have been faced with numerous problems since last June. It seems no matter what we do, we are hit with more adversity daily. We have gone from being comfortable financially to having barely enough to make it week by week. My husband is not well. We are in a legal battle, fighting to prove our innocence. We trust God, but it seems things have gone from bad to worse.  We NEED A MIRACLE.  Thanks for your prayers.

I’m Praying for This

My Adult Children and Son-in-Law

Posted by Denise

I love KLRC and its ministry that God is using to help people in powerful ways every day. Years ago, when I first started listening to KLRC, I was in a serious state of depression. Praise be to Almighty God! He has carried me through and He has made me a more compassionate person through my trials.  Now, for my prayer requests.  Both of my adult children are in jobs that are draining the very life out of them. I faithfully pray for them every day; but I need more prayer partners to come alongside me to pray for breakthrough.  Please pray that God will open up jobs for them that offer more fulfillment and that they don't HATE to go to every day.  Also, my son-in-law just took a huge step to make his life better.  He told his family that he was addicted to pain pills and he just completed three weeks of intense detox. Please pray that he will stay free from that addiction. I know God can completely deliver him from it. Also pray that he will submit and give his heart to God.  Thank you so much! I truly love my KLRC family!

I’m Praying for This

Pray for Me

Posted by David

I'm a 53 year old man that has been through many adversities in my life: deaths, addiction, loss of faith, divorce, and so on. I've been living alone for 20 plus years. Over the last couple of years, God has helped me not only recover, but discover who He intended me to be. In gratitude, I seek to serve Him. Today, I love the life I have, and I am learning more and more how to accept and depend on His care and guidance.  But, I have been distracted by a deceiver, an "online" acquaintance that preys on guys like me. All I am asking for is God's will for that particular person and for those that have experienced similar situations. The damage and pain is real. The consequences can have ripple effects. But I know God is in the healing business too. Thank yo,u KLRC.

I’m Praying for This

My Son

Posted by Jeff

Pray for my son's life to totally be restored and pray for strength to see it through.

I’m Praying for This

Prayer for God's Work in My Life

Posted by Melissa

I would appreciate a prayer that God would work in all the areas of my life. I’m a single mom (not by my choice). Prayers for my kids, health, finances, relationships, dealing with the shame I feel from being a single mom and forgiveness would be so needed! I hope I can step back and allow God to shape my life. I know His plan is better than mine! I just hope I can stop worrying and allow Him to work in my life!

I’m Praying for This

Financial Needs

Posted by Connie

After 35 years of working, I became disabled. I’m praying my disability is approved. Going from a two-income household to one is devastating to say the least.  Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Healing for Son

Posted by Vicki

My son is in a relationship that is dishonoring to the Lord. I would like prayer for him to come back to the Lord, fully submitting to His will in his life.

I’m Praying for This

Friend's Grandson

Posted by Anonymous

I want prayer for my friend's 11 month old grandson, who is having issues with asthma and acid reflux.

I’m Praying for This

Prayer for My Heart

Posted by Samantha

Please pray for my heart as I've recently lost my dad. I am a daddy's girl at heart. The time is passing and it's not getting any easier for myself or my family (Mom, Dad, siblings). Please pray for my comfort as I learn how to grieve.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Travis

UPDATE to prayer request:  The scans are clear, which means no resurgence of the cancer!  The medicine she is taking is continuing to work at keeping it at bay.  We know we have a long road still ahead, but are blessed with this news.  We know God has a plan and will praise His name.

My wife Leanne was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and she has scans today to see what the treatment is doing. Please pray for the scans to be clear, for peace in the process and for our future.

I’m Praying for This

Troubled marriage

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for me and my husband. We have been together for 10 years, but it has not been easy. He is not a believer. He filed for divorce last year, but we did not follow through with that. I know God hates divorce. I love my husband and I want to influence him for Christ. I pray for wisdom and grace in that.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Michelle

My husband and I have just celebrated our first year of marriage. We have three children between us. We are asking for the Lord to help us be faithful witnesses to our kids so that they will grow in love and walk with Him.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Elizabeth

Please pray for my son, who is 22 years old and has given up on God and his faith. He was saved and baptized but has had some rough patches and he blames God for not helping him. I told him that it is not in our timing, but God's timing. Please pray that he will find his way back to God and his faith. He is so unhappy and it is killing me as his mother to watch him struggle, knowing that if he would get back to God he would be happier. Thank you so much for your caring hearts and willingness to help others.

I’m Praying for This

Missing Cousin

Posted by Jenniffer

My husband's cousin is still missing. This is very hard for our family. Please pray that his body will be found as the search team is out to locate his body. The more people praying, the better. We are devastated by this loss.

I’m Praying for This

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